Chapter 36

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"I'm off, (F/N)."

"Be safe, Katsuki."

"I always am."

"No, you aren't."

You chuckled and waved Bakugou off, smiling as you wiped your hands dry on your skirt. The blonde strolled off into the woods, heading out on his typical day of hunting, as well as checking the traps you had helped him set. You sighed and shut the door, humming quietly as you worked around your home.

The tune you hummed was a lovely one, one that you grew up listening to as your mother would sing you to sleep. You smiled as you worked, cutting up the last kill Bakugou had brought in and preparing to cook it for the night. You glanced up and stared at the sword that hung above the fireplace, studying its large, shining blade and golden hilt. It was the sword of All Might, the damned sword that Bakugou spent so long trying to get. The sword that helped finally end the war you had taken part in long ago.

"Were you even worth it?"

"Of course it was, it brought us to you, didn't it?"

You jumped as the voice from behind scared you, feeling two hands come down onto your shoulders. Kirishima leaned to face you and you smiled, kissing his cheek before swatting him away.

"You can't just walk in on me like that, what if I was getting ready to bathe?"

"Ah, then I would've been blessed today."

"Shut up!"

You blushed as the redhead nuzzled his cheek against yours, purposefully annoying you before sitting down adjacent to where you worked. He held his head up with his hand and asked about Bakugou, humming when you told him he had just left to go hunt. You sighed as you cut the meat into thin pieces, chopping them up before pushing them into a bowl.

"I wonder if he's enjoying this peaceful life, it's nothing like our lives before. Well, his is, at least."

"He enjoys every minute of it, I can tell."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, feeling Kirishimas eyes on you as you reached for another knife to cut the vegetables you had picked that morning.

"Are you happy, (F/N)?"

"I am."


"Of course!"

Were you? You looked back up at the sword and sighed longingly, pouting your lips as you continued to prepare the food.

"Although, I do miss the adventure. I didn't expect to settle down as soon as the war ended, I thought maybe there would be more for us...if that makes sense."

"It does, and who knows, maybe there is more? We're still young, maybe we'll live through another war."

You both chuckled and continued to cut up vegetable after vegetable, answering Kirishimas questions as he wondered about what certain ones were, how they tasted, if they were hard to grow.

This was your life now, and it was peaceful. Sometimes a little boring, but peaceful. Even if it was peaceful and boring however, something in the back of your mind

"How are his lessons going?"

"Katsuki is doing great! We can hold decent conversations both ways. It's still cute how he messes up every once in a while, but I'm sure it's the same for me. Your language will always be hard on the tongue."

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