Chapter 16

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The silence in the room was deafening. You sat on the edge of the bed, Kirishima limping back behind the thin wall to bathe, turning the spigot. The water cut through the quiet air, and it was all that the two of you listened to for a few minutes. Eventually, it stopped, and you listened to the water as Kirishima splashed around, cleaning himself off and washing his spiky red hair.

You watched the door, secretly hoping it would open to reveal Bakugou once again, but it never did. Kirishima peeked around the corner with flattened hair and a concerned expression, glancing over at you.

"He'll be okay you know, (F/N)."

You flinch and whip your head around to glare at him, but quickly look back at the door as the red head moves towards the bed in nothing but a towel. Gripping the blanket you sat on with one hand, you pouted and furrowed your brow.

"I know he will be, I'm fine, I'm just, waiting is all!"

Kirishima laughed and fumbled for his clothes, his laugh slowly dying down as he held up his torn and dirty clothes.

"Of course, of course you are. Still, Bakugou will be fine. He just needs to cool off for a bit, probably be back tonight even."

You nodded slowly in agreement and sat further into the bed, crossing your legs and beginning to go through the medicines you had brought back from the hospital. Kirishima came around and sat next to you, wearing only pants to reveal his injured torso and arms, and the two of you got to work. Dabbing down on his scrapes and cuts, you quietly apologized as he bit his cheek in pain, shaking his head and joking about how he's had worse. Eventually, the air became thinner, and both of you quickly began to feel better, joking once more.

It was a struggle to wrap his arms with one hand, so you had him put on his own bandages as you continued to clean each wound. After a few more jabs and snarky comments, you spoke up, a serious and soft tone in your voice.

"Kirishima. We need to talk."

His face changed from his normal smiling to a look of anxiety; an expression of someone who was worried about the current conversation. He sighed and nodded weakly, looking down at his arms as you applied more medicine.

"I figured this was going to happen sooner or later. Okay (F/N), what do you wanna know?"

Your hands stopped moving and you stared at the reopened cut against Kirishimas skin, thinking for a moment. You had a lot of questions, but where do you start? You began again, trying to grab another cloth out of your reach and thanking the red head when he grabbed it for you.

"Okay...well, I guess I should ask the most important one first."

You looked up into Kirishimas eyes and frowned, a concerned and confused look on your face.

"Why did you lie to me?"

Your voice sounded pained, and the red head grimaced when you spoke. You didn't want to sound as upset as you did, but the voice crack in your sentence revealed to the both of you how you felt. Kirishima looked away sighed, trying to find the right words to use.

"We didn't...well, we did, but we never meant to. It's just, a really, really long story, and-"

He looked back over to you and read your expression, staring back at him with distress, curiosity, and a hint of puppy dog eyes. He groaned and rubbed the back of his neck, squeezing his eyes shut as he looked away again.

"Okay, okay. We lied because one, we didn't really know you, and we didn't think much of it. But, two, when he did get to know you, the plan changed, and we still weren't sure if you should've been filled in on the plan or not.

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