Fantasy Hijinks: Part Four

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"Wow, a fourth part already? You guys are doing great! I didn't think we would get so many questions! And thank you for coming back to join us for another segment!"



Bakugou huffed and crossed his arms, rolling his eyes as Kirishima bumped him with his shoulder.

"I hope you've all been enjoying this spin off series! I know I've been having a blast reading all your questions! And by the way, thank you for all the lovely comments, calling me sunshine, saying my hair is awesome, it really makes me happy!"

Kirishima smiled wider as she also rolled her eyes, handing the redhead the large stack of papers.

"We get it, you're the number one character. Even though it's my story, totally not mad or anything."



"Ї'Ӎ ѠӉДt?"

Kirishima chuckled and ruffled her hair, turning around and holding up the pages that held the questions for him to answer.

"Now! As I said last time, this is going to be a special segment dedicated specifically to yours truly."

Kirishima smirked and winked, making the other two groan as she face palmed.

"And I know what you're thinking, 'Oh Kirishima, how could we possibly handle that much page time with you? You're so manly and cool and strong!' and to that I say, don't worry! I'll throw in a question for these two here and there, and the Author might possibly jump in to answer a few as well!"

"Just how much bigger is your ego going to get?"

"Oh, much, much bigger. I'm enjoying every minute of this."

Kirishima gave her a toothy grin, falling to the forest floor and crossing his legs. Bakugou crouched down next to him, quickly grabbing her arm and yanking her down onto the ground as well. She shouted and squirmed as Bakugou forced her into the typical spot in his lap, whispering against her skin.

"Ї ℓөЅt ҰөҴ өҋҪЄ, Ї'Ӎ ҋөt ℓөЅЇҋԌ ҰөҴ ДԌДЇҋ."

She sighed, immediately giving in and turning her attention to Kirishima, ignoring Bakugou as he snaked his arms around her and tightened his grip.

"Would you like me to ask you the questions? Or do you want to do everything yourself?"

"Ah, if you want to read them to me, be my guest! It gives us more time to talk anyways, and more time to ignore Bakugou."

The two laughed together as Kirishima handed her the papers, sifting through them until she found a good starting question.

"Alright, first of many questions, Potato000Human asks 'Do you have a family? You probably have parents and maybe siblings, but are they still alive, and do you plan on seeing them anytime soon?' It's...worded a little dark."

"That's alright! Great question! I did have parents, and they loved me! I haven't seen them in years, they live with another tribe North of the Mirag we visited."

"The Mirag we visited?"

Kirishima nodded, gesturing in the air as he spoke.

"It's confusing. The region is Mirag, but each tribe is also Mirag. We're one people, but we're also spread out across the thousands of miles of desert. I was...traded, between Bakugous tribe and another in the North."

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