Fantasy Hijinks: Part One

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"What a great turnout! We got...over fifty questions?! You guys are insane! Are you all ready-"

"ӉөѠ ӍДҋҰ ѻҴЄЅtЇөҋЅ?"

She smiled and held up a five on her fingers, and then made a zero, turning back to Kirishima as the blonde hummed in thought.


"өӉ tӉДt'Ѕ ҏℓЄҋtҰ ҒөЯ ҋөѠ! And hey, we might need to break them up into a few at a time, we don't want another Chapter 30-"

"Don't be rude!"

She rolled her eyes and scolded the redhead as Kirishima stretched his arms, cracking his back before he called her over, whining for the list. She rolled her eyes even harder and handed it over, mumbling how she wanted to be the one to start, and Kirishima only scoffed and ruffled her hair.

"We can take turns, but I already called being first. So let's see..."

He squinted at the paper, humming as he read over each line, before calling out.

"Alright! The first question is from OfficialKeigoTakami, great name by the way, super heroic! Their question was for...oh, hey, it's for Keigo! Oi! Takami!"

Kirishima shouted across the field, waiting a few seconds before a gust of wind blew by, blowing the leaves from the ground out of the surrounding area. Keigo Takami planted his feet onto the ground, bowing before tugging on Kirishimas horns.

"A question for me? Even before the main cast? I must say I'm a little flattered."

"Y-Yeah, well, the question for you is; 'How does it feel to be the most handsome man in the archipelago? Semi colon, right parenthesis-"


"Wh- oh Gods, Kirishima!"

The main character groaned and waved her arms, getting Kirishimas attention as she shouted.

"It's called a winky face! It's a thing the readers do!"

"Oh, should I just wink?"

"What?! No!"

Kirishima repeated the question, winking at Keigo as the man laughed, patting Kirishima on the shoulder.

"It's an interesting question, from an interesting reader. Ah, if you're reading this, great name by the way, very classy. If you must know, it can be a total pain, being the most handsome man."

Keigo stretched, yawning as his wings stretched as well, almost hitting Bakugou in the face. The prince growled and muttered under his breath, freezing when Keigo responded.




"Ѕtөҏ! It's his turn right now, you'll get yours, okay?"

The main character sighed and held Bakugou back, Keigo laughing again as he looked back over to Kirishima, smiling during the little interview.

"In all seriousness, it can be a pain. My job is to be the Kings eyes and ears in his city, and it's hard to be discreet when everyone loves you so much."

"What do you do to counteract it?"

Kirishima stared up at Keigo in awe, his eyes shining at the celebrity in front of him.

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