Chapter 13

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"Hnng, ow-"

You opened your eyes weakly, squinting in the light before opening them widely, finally remembering what had happened. You sat up quickly, hissing in pain and leaning back against whatever you were on before. The adrenaline of waking up had passed, and now all the straining injuries were hitting you at once, immobilizing your body. When you leaned back, a quiet grunt was heard behind you, and you turned your head as best you could to see Kirishima. He was passed out, leaning against a large tree stump with his arms poorly bandaged, scrapes and bruises decorating his skin. You were leaning against him, still too weak to move, and you sighed. What the hell happened?

Your ears were no longer ringing, but they were still deafened; everything around you was muffled. You heard a quiet conversation somewhere ahead of you, and you looked back towards the the direction of the faded sound. Squinting again, you could see silhouettes surrounding each other, moving back and forth. You needed to get up, and you needed to get to those people to figure out what had happened. You grunted quietly as you tried to move, but stopped, panting as you realized how limited your energy really was. Suddenly, Kirishimas arm wrapped around your body, whispering weakly.

"Glad to see you're okay, (F/N)."

You grimaced from the pain and whispered back.

"Kirishima, what happened? Where are we?"

You realized that when he moved to hold you, he was really just trying to keep you from getting up. He chuckled and coughed, gritting his own teeth to try and play off how much pain he was really in.

"You need to relax, you're seriously injured."

"What happened to you?"

Kirishima laughed nervously, leaning his head back against the tree and tightened his grip on you.

"Bakugou was the first one to realize you were gone, and after a while the others began to follow us. Luckily, with me, we were able to catch up to those guys pretty quickly."

The red head smiled and sighed, shifting his body to sit up more, and you followed suit. You pushed yourself to sit up straighter as much as you could before leaning back against him, feeling your heart beating out of your chest.

"But, I used up too much of my power. I should've transformed when we found you, but Bakugou wanted to get you out of there as soon as possible. When we got back over the hills, I collapsed, and we crashed."

Your eyes focused on your surroundings, and you understood what he had meant. The clearing you were in was filled with toppled over and broken trees, the foliage and debris swept away to the sides of the clearing. Dirt was kicked up, and you could only imagine a giant dragon crashing into the earth.

"Not only were you hurt from that fall into the road, but also from me...I'm sorry (F/N)."

You shook your head and shushed him, making sure he knew it wasn't his fault. Your head stung from the multiple distractions; the light, the whistling of the wind, and the pain from hitting it too many times, but it fought to focus on figuring things out.

"Where- where is Bakugou?"

Kirishima closed his eyes and nodded his head, motioning for you to look back at the echoing silhouettes ahead of you.

"He's over there with the others, but I can't hear what they're saying..sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry, I'll go find out."

Kirishima kept his arm around you, trying to hold you back, but sighed when you leaned away and fell into the dirt.

"(F/N), please, you shouldn't be moving."

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