Chapter 37

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"Ї БЄℓөҋԌ, tө ҜДtЅҴҜЇ."

"Ї...БЄℓөҋԌ, tө, ҜДtЅҴҜЇ."


Bakugou purred and ruffled your hair as you spoke, smiling childishly as you sat in his lap, repeating after him. A while after Kirishima had left, and after you had a short make out session with the prince, you had gone back to teaching each other little phrases that you wanted the other to learn.

"Okay, my turn. Please."





You ruffled his hair back and kissed him gently, gasping as he squeezed you in another tight hug. It was getting even darker now, and the cold of the desert night was starting to creep into the tent. You pointed to the fire pit and clicked your hands together, making the gesture of clicking two stones.

"Please, make a fire."


"Fire, yes! It's the light, the heat source."

You struggled out of Bakugous grasp and moved over to the fire pit, crouching down and pointing to the ashen pile. Bakugou followed you and found his flint and pyrite, clicking them together as you had gestured until the small sparks created a little flame. You added dried grass, twigs, and eventually a small log, creating an even bigger fire.

"This part, is fire."

Your hands outlined the flame, wincing as the heat licked at your skin. Bakugou stared at it and chuckled, pointing down to the fire.




You smiled as Bakugou stared you down, watching the light dance across your face. It highlighted your features, darkening in the shadows of your hair but brightening your eyes, and he sighed quietly.



"ѠӉДt? ҋө, no. ЅӉҴt Ҵҏ. Ї ѠДЅ tЯҰЇҋԌ tө БЄ ЯөӍДҋtЇҪ. Ԁөҋ't ЯЄҏЄДt ӍЄ."

Bakugou rolled his eyes, sitting back down as you apologized, laughing as you heard the irritation in his voice. You snuck around the fire pit and sat down next to Bakugou, leaning your head on his shoulder with a content sigh. Bakugou leaned his head on top of yours, pouting his lips and blushing as your hand crept up to hold his. You intertwined your fingers and hummed, your voice a little sadder than before.

"Are you...happy, Katsuki?"

"Happy? Are I happy? ѠӉДt ЇЅ tӉДt?"

The blondes eyes fell down to you and he raised an eyebrow, mumbling quizzically in his own language. You shook your head slightly and apologized, chuckling again as you responded with a subject change.

"Nevermind. My turn."

You thought for a moment before inhaling and sitting up a little straighter.

"Let's teach body language."


You sat up on your knees and turned to face Bakugou, pointing to your eyes.

Fantasy Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now