Chapter 26

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"(F/N)...Hey (F/N)."

You groaned quietly and opened your eyes, blinking away the sleep. You glanced around, immediately sitting up when you saw Bakugou crouched over you.

"Good morning (F/N)."

"G-Good morning."

He stood up and extended his hand out, waiting for you to take it before yanking you to your feet.

"Did you sleep well, princess?"

"I...yeah, I did-"

Suddenly your heart stopped and you snapped back, pulling your hand away from Bakugous.

"Wait, you're, you're talking to me? In my- how?!"

Bakugou chuckled and grabbed you again, pulling you back and into a hug. His hand caught itself in your (H/L) hair, his fingers tangling themselves near your neck.

"What matters is that we can understand each other (F/N). Isn't it great?"

You raised an eyebrow and opened your mouth to retaliate, but froze when Bakugous other hand grazed your neck, his finger trailing up to your jaw and brushing your bottom lip.

"Don't question it, just be happy."

How could you not question it? A chill ran up your body as his hands continued to touch your skin, his head leaning closer and closer with each passing second.

"I love you so much, (F/N)."

Bakugous lips met yours and you squeezed your eyes shut, the confusion and concern overwhelming your mind. Was it happening again?! You wiggled your head until you were able to whip away from Bakugou, breaking the kiss and panting in shock. He went to kiss you again but you blocked him, your hand covering your own mouth this time.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing- I mean, everything! Why are you speaking to me so fluently, why are you acting this way-"

Bakugous grip on you tightened but his face held a smile, and it felt genuine. He moved his feet, pulling you around as if you were dancing, moving his hands down to your waist and intertwining one with your (S/T) hand.

"Like I said, don't question it, we should enjoy the moment."

It felt like a dream. Maybe...maybe it was a dream? You looked around and saw the cave you had been in, the same paintings on the walls, the fire pit still charred from the night before. You glanced back over at Bakugou, who kept that same cocky smile, and you frowned.

"You know I can't just ignore things. I'd like to have my questions answered."

Bakugou sighed condescendingly, as if you were asking for too much, but he nodded.

"All right, how about this. I ask a question, and you answer, and then I'll do the same. Deal?"

He swung you out by the arm and his eyes narrowed, his smile curling into a smirk. As you were pulled back into his strange dance, you glared back and nodded.


The prince hummed for a moment and his pace grew faster, the light from the outside slowly getting brighter. You realized he was slowly moving you towards the edge of the cave.

"My first question is; do you love me?"

He leaned in and reveled in your blush, laughing as you quickly became flustered. You were going to have to reply, if you were going to get any of your own questions answered. Truthfully, or whatever it takes to get through this? You swallowed your pride and looked back at Bakugou, staring into his piercing red eyes.

Fantasy Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now