Chapter 32

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"Oi! (F/N), come on! Let's head back home!"


You ran through the trees and jumped down onto the unleveled terrain below. Your father smiled and ruffled your hair, complimenting your agility and you smiled widely.

"Did we catch anything?"

"Ah, no, but we can check the traps again on the way home. How does that sound (F/N)?"

"Perfect! We have to get something, otherwise mom'll be mad."

You growled like an animal and bent your fingers, pretending to be a monster as your father laughed, shaking his head.

"Well, if she is, we'll just have to defeat her, won't we?"

The two of you walked through the woods along the path, checking each trap your village had set down the way. You stood back as your father investigated one on a nearby jut in the ground, leaning back on a tree and whistling a quiet tune. The wind rustled the trees, and you whipped your head around, silencing yourself when an unfamiliar sound crept from off trail.

"Stay where you are, (F/N). This trap is dangerous to get to, I'll check it out myself."

You turned to your father and called out an okay, turning back and listening for the noise again. It echoed slightly in your ears and you froze, before slowly walking over to the bushes.

You peeked inside them, stepping in further when nothing caught your eye. Your eyebrows furrowed and you pouted your lips, peering around the corner and seeing another bush rustling off even further away. It was off trail, but what if it was an animal, something to hunt? A grin plastered your face and you began to run, chasing after the rustling in the forest. A few minutes later, you found the thing you had been tracking. Not a thing, but a him.

He was a tall man, sitting by a small creek and drinking the water with his hands. He was wearing clothes unfamiliar to you; they were black and very silky looking, as if he came from royalty. The man looked over at you and smiled, and your eyes widened. His face was...


You couldn't figure out why, but the man had no eyes. His face was scarred beyond repair, but his nose and mouth stayed intact. Could he see? Was he okay? How could he see you? The questions in your mind stopped when the man called out to you.



His voice was quiet, calming, like he figured you were frightened and wanted to help you feel safe. He beckoned for you to come closer, and you did, slowly, until you were standing just a few feet away from him.

"Are you out here all alone?"

"No. My father is nearby."

"Ah, well I'm glad to hear that, young one. These woods can be dangerous."

"I'm not afraid, and I'm not young! I'm a hunter, just like my father, and I could kill anything within this entire forest!"

You pulled your small training bow off of your back and gripped it tightly, grinning at the man as he chuckled and dipped his hand into the water.

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