Chapter 35

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[Author here! This chapter is going to be mostly from Bakugous POV, so similar to Chapter 10.5, all of their usual dialog will be written normally, just to help with reading! Lately the chapters have been filled with paragraph after paragraph of tӉЄ ӍЇЯДԌ ℓДҋԌҴДԌЄ, so I thought I'd give you lovelies a break! Please enjoy!]

Bakugou sighed, letting out a breath of air to expel the heat from his body. He opened his eyes a little bit, looking down and seeing your sleeping frame leaning against his chest. Your breathing was deep, and he smiled softly, wincing when he heard Kirishimas voice once again.

"She asleep?"

"Yes, so shut up."

Kirishima chuckled and waded closer, sitting down next to Bakugou and speaking again, his voice in a low whisper.

"I'm just glad we did all that. She needed the relief."

"Choose your words better, Eijirou."

"Mental, relief, my prince. Gods."

Kirishima rolled his eyes and pointed down to you, sighing again as Bakugou turned his body slightly.

"I said it before and I'm not afraid to say it again; you didn't fully understand. You should've heard the things she had said, the things she thought of us. And I know the comment I had made was eating her alive."

"All that because you made a little comment? Must've been pretty bad."


Bakugou tilted his head, lowering his eyelids again as he stared at his friend. Kirishimas hair was beginning to flatten, falling down from the heat exposure and over his eyes.

"I called her an oblivious Egabian."

"She took offense to that?"

"Do you not understand how offensive that is?"

"No, honestly I don't."

Bakugou looked down at you again, his expression unwavering as he saw your lips against his skin form into a smile. Your fingers curled up and down against his chest in your sleep, and his hand came up to rest on yours, pressing your palm against him.

"Who cares that's she's from Egaby. She's dumb and oblivious because she's been isolated. It doesn't matter where she's from, if she were isolated anywhere else, it would be the same thing. Everyone keeps calling her Egabian, Egabian girl, this and that, it's all bullshit."

Kirishima watched his friend stare down at you, feeling his heart pick up the pace as he pressed his own hand against his chest.

"Besides, she's not even that dumb. She works with medicine, idiots can't make medicine in the middle of nowhere by just luck. She also hunts, and knows her way around a knife. I don't know if she can really fight, but if I just trained her, she could probably really be a good fighter too. I doubt she can cook, but I could also teach her that, and she seems like she would be a good mo-"


Bakugou stopped himself when Kirishima interrupted him, looking back over before glancing down at you. He sighed and laid his head back, groaning quietly.

"What am I going to do, Kirishima?"

The redhead hummed and sunk into the water, also leaning his head back and mumbled quietly.

"Honestly, prince, I'm not sure. However I think it would be best if we left here. I know you thought maybe she would be safe here, but I don't think that's going to happen-"

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