Chapter 43

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"Let's see...what kind of magic I can do."

The small smile that had formed on your face had contorted into a wide smirk, slowly placing your hands on the cool waters surface. Was this a good idea? Probably not, but it felt right. As soon as your fingertips hit the water, it began to glow, and when you pulled away, the light followed your hands, painting the air with flickering lights like it had with Tokoyami earlier.

" what?"

Your smile faded and you pouted, unsure of what to do next. Shrugging in curiosity, you began to draw random symbols, putting your hands in the water again as if you were refilling an ink pen. You hummed, wondering if you would have to say any incantations, like how Uraraka would cast spells, and you tried repeating one of the many spells you remembered hearing from her.


You groaned and splashed at the water, hitting it again as light flashed everywhere the water had landed.

"Come on, work already!"

A lingering echo of whispers began to surround the cave as you shouted into nothing, hearing the incoherent voices around you. Were you simply...not able to do magic? How did you summon a God then? You put both your hands under the water as the whispering grew louder, squeezing your eyes shut in concentration.

"Just let something happen. Come on, do something, anything..."

Suddenly, the whispering stopped, and became replaced by a soft ringing. The air became lighter and your breathing grew quiet, and then, the room lit up. You looked up at the ceiling, seeing the dazzling colors erupt and dance around the room, little clouds forming as if the room had created its own environment. A tiny raindrop landed on your nose, and you smiled, feeling the immediate downpour as you laughed loudly, drawing more symbols and turning the rainstorm into snow. Shivering, you danced around the pool, your feet leaving a small trail in the soft snow.

"Weather! Amazing! Let's see..."

You put your hands into the water again, humming in thought. More and more light began to dance around the room, and you smiled widely, the comforting and peaceful aura warming your heart. Plants began to decorate the walls, vines and flowers sprouting here and there. You could hear birds chirping, the rushing of water, rustling of bushes from a deer running by. Did you create a whole world? You began to dance around the basin again, your fingers leaving behind bright trails of light as you continued to draw random squiggles and symbols, unsure if they really did anything.

"Could I...go back to Egaby?"

You threw your hands back into the water, smiling widely as images of your home village flashed in your mind. The ground became colder and the wind began to blow, the plants quickly dying out and the sounds of animals leaving your ears. You looked up from the water, glancing around as the houses, buildings, roads, and central square that you had grown up in came to life before your eyes. There were silhouettes of humans; no people you recognized, but it was like the cave had completely disappeared, replaced with the outside world of Egaby. You quickly pulled your hands from the pool, smiling happily as tears formed in your eyes. You...were you home? Taking a few steps forward, you reached out towards a small home, smoke coming from the chimney as the windows swung open in the wind. It was your home. You called out to your parents, praying they would hear you from the inside, but you stopped when a transparent wall formed in front of you.


You knocked on the wall, gasping as the air rippled like the water in the basin. Your smile fell into a frown as it blocked you from moving forward, the world living on without you. The shadowed out Egabians ignored you, walking to and from, around the town, and around you, as if you weren't even there. You sighed, closing your eyes and leaning your head against the transparent barrier. You weren't really home, it was just a projection. Was this the present? The past? It looked familiar, but none of the people did, as if they weren't even real.

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