Chapter 21

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The streets of Enjeer were empty, the crowds still holding up in the city center. You, along with Bakugou and Kirishima, followed the man with wings up the winding roads and crossways in silence. Luckily the sun was still shining high in the sky, and you wouldn't have to walk in the cold darkness of night time again. However, the eerily quiet atmosphere did nothing to help your nerves. Where were you going? And why did this guy seem familiar too? Everyone and everything seemed familiar to you nowadays, and you almost expected it at this point, but a man with wings? You had never seen, or heard of such a thing.

The man continued to walk in silence, and so did the two boys, but you huffed and finally broke it.

"So who summoned us?"

The wings on the man's back twitched and slowly opened, stretching out slightly as he yawned.

"My boss."

"Um...and who is your boss-"

You glared at the back of his head, until he finally turned it to look back at you over his shoulder. His eyes were dark but they looked friendly, in a fake and intimidating sort of way.

"You ask a lot of questions."

You wanted to respond with a sarcastic remark, but his eyes narrowed, and quickly made you back off. Kirishima and Bakugou were also quiet, making a band gesture or almost inaudibly whispering to each other. Bakugou sneered and glared over at you, looking away as the two of you made eye contact. Glancing over at Kirishima, you looked at him with worry, and sighed when all the red head did was wink at you, trying to let you know that

Everything will be okay.

But would it? Thoughts and memories of the dream you had had the night before swarmed into your mind, the same scared feeling creeping into your heart. Were you caught? Was this man taking you to the King? Was Kirishima going to-

The invasion of anxiety riddled thoughts was interrupted when you bumped straight into the man's back, not paying attention to when he had stopped walking. You stumbled back and both boys caught you, Bakugou quietly barking at Kirishima as the red head asked if you were okay. You nodded and Bakugou sighed, shoving you away from him and crossing his arms as the four of you stood there awkwardly. The man with wings adjusted the large appendages before turning around and bowing slightly, extending his arm towards the large gated entrance in front of you.

You looked ahead and your eyes widened, your neck craning back to try and see the entire castle in front of you. It was bigger than anything you had ever seen, and even more decorated and detailed than any of the buildings in this city. You had seen it from far away a few days ago, but that view from the countryside had nothing on the aesthetic of it being right in front of your eyes. If you weren't being led here by a strange man possibly taking you to your imprisonment and or death, you probably could've enjoyed the view. Instead, you were pushed forward by the two boys as the man with wings called to you quietly.

"(F/N), let's go."

You swallowed your nerves and hesitatently walked forward, entering the courtyard of the new location. The gardens and fountains decorating the courtyard put the city centers fountain to shame; everything was either trimmed and clean, or currently being trimmed and cleaned by servants strewn about. One of them looked up at you and smiled, her expression quickly changing to fear when she glanced towards Bakugou, and went back to working. He glared down at her and looked away as well, clicking his tongue and sneering. You looked at him for a moment but turned back around when the man with wings once again stopped in front of you. Making sure not to bump into him, the three of you looked up at the next large door ahead. It was a dark, thick wood, hand carved with decorative flames and dancing dragons. Must be the theme; fire. The man didn't even knock on the door, he just waved his hand in the air boredly, like this was the most casual thing he had done all day.

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