Side Story - Kirishima

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"W-Wait up Kacchan!"

"No way, Deku! You have to learn to keep up!"

The two children ran through the small field, the desert sand shifting under their feet as Bakugou Katsuki climbed on top of a large boulder. A few other kids ran behind him, cheering for the little prince as Midoriya Izuku tried to follow suit, losing his grip and falling into the sand.

"And that's why Deku is a Deku, and why I'm going to be King of Mirag one day!"

"All hail the King! King Katsuki!"

Katsuki smiled widely, his hand on his hip and his finger pointed down at Midoriya, who was sniffling as a cut on his hand formed from the large rock he had tried to climb.

"First order as King; execute Deku!"

"Wh-What?! Why?!"

"Because you're a loser!"

The other kids laughed and dogpiled onto Midoriya, crushing the small boy under their weight as he cried. Suddenly a stern, angry sounding voice echoed across the desert, the blonde rolling his eyes as the others scrambled to their feet.

"Oi, Katsuki! Stop running off, we need you today!"

"Shut up mom! I'm the future Ki-"

Bakugou Mitsuki appeared from behind another rock, her eye twitching as she grabbed Katsuki by the back of the neck and tossed him onto the ground, shoving him towards the village. He growled and went to insult her again, stopping when she smacked him on the back of his head.

"And stop picking on Izuku. His mother told me he came home with a broken wrist the other day."

"Maybe if he wasn't such a fragile little baby, he wouldn't get hurt so easily..."

Katsuki muttered under his breath, glaring at the elders of his village as he was pushed past them. His father was talking to another leader of a different tribe, before turning and smiling at his family.

"Thank you, my beautiful Queen. This is our son, Katsuki."

He pulled the blonde closer and presented him, the other leader narrowing his eyes and leaning down, glaring at Katsuki.

"And what do you like to do, Katsuki?"

"I like playing with my friends."

Katsuki crossed his arms and glared back, huffing as the leader smiled and stood back up, calling out to another one of his village members. They dragged along what looked like a boy his age with black hair, down and messy, sticking out in every direction. Small horns stuck out from his dark hair as his teeth were pointed and sharp, immediately hiding them when he saw Katsuki staring.

"A dragon..."

"Your dragon, Katsuki."

The blondes eyes lit up, shining as he moved closer. He studied the boy, smiling widely as he punched the dragons arm gently.

"Cool! Let's go pl-"

"Hold on, brat. There's more to it than that."

Mitsuki grabbed Katsuki and pulled him back away from the young dragon, the blacked haired child looking up and around at the adults.

"His name is Kirishima Eijirou. He's tough and free spirited, but I think he's broken enough to know how to follow the rules. It's easy to knock that disobedience out when they're young."

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