🍋Chapter 31

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...What was he saying?

You hummed quietly as Bakugou continued to drag his hand along your torso, chuckling to himself as you squirmed weakly underneath him. He pinched one side of your waist and you whimpered, laughing nervously and grabbing his wrist to try and push him away.

"Come on Bakugou...what are you doing-"

Your sentence was cut off when Bakugous other hand traveled up under your top, his fingers slowly sliding inbetween your breasts. Your face flushed and your body went cold, quickly using more force to remove his hand. Bakugous eyes widened when he realized how close he really had been just now, and he swallowed his nerves, his voice quiet and slightly whiney.

"Ї ѠДҋt tө tөҴҪӉ ҰөҴ. I love you, Sunset. I...are you...um, ЅӉЇt. tӉЇЅ ЇЅ ԌөЇҋԌ tө БЄ ЇӍҏөЅЅЇБℓЄ ѠЇtӉөҴt tӉДt БДЅtДЯԀ."

You heard the struggling in his voice as he climbed off of you, getting up and pacing around the tent. Eventually you heard the clicking of two stones as he relit the small fire pit in the center, the flame growing bigger as he stoked it. He was crouched down, his lips pouted as his eyebrows furrowed, thinking back to anything he knew about the words you understood.

"I...You...(F/N), love, good...ԌөԀЅ, tӉЇЅ ЇЅ Ѕө ЅtҴҏЇԀ."

You sat up, sitting on your knees as you tilted your head. As the flames grew bigger, they danced and painted Bakugous face more and more, making you blush when his eyes turned towards you without moving his head. You weren't an idiot, you kind of had an idea of what he wanted...but how far? How far were you going to go? You sighed and swallowed your pride, quietly calling Bakugous name and earning his full attention.

"I um...Ї ЄҋЈөҰ ҰөҴЯ ҪөӍҏДҋҰ...ДҋԀ ҰөҴ. Ї ℓөѴЄ ҰөҴ ДҋԀ, ҴӉ, Ѡ-ѠДҋt ҰөҴ."

You felt your face heating up as Bakugou blushed, and you averted your eyes right away. You felt his stare and you covered your face with one hand, mumbling as he stood up.

"Why is it so embarrassing, this is so stupid."

"Ԁө ҰөҴ...ѠДҋt tө ӉДѴЄ ЅЄӝ?"

You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head weakly, letting him know you had no idea what he had said. He tilted his head and hummed, looking away in thought before lifting both of his hands. He mimed it out, pointing to you, and then to him, and then clasped his hands together, slowly interlocking his fingers. Your heart slowed to a stop and you groaned, falling to the side and rolling off the bed to sit on your butt. Was that seriously the only way you would be able to understand him, hand gestures? He called your name again and you looked up at him, watching as he moved closer and crouched down in front of you. He reached out and caressed your cheek, forcing your face to look back at him as your eyes looked away.

"You are blushing, (F/N)."

"So are you, you are blushing, wh-who wouldn't in this situation."

Bakugou felt his own face and blushed deeper, leaning away and rubbing his cheeks. He was supposed to be seducing, attractive, almost intimidating; he couldn't be like that if he was blushing like an idiot. The prince sighed and eyed you, his red eyes narrowing sadly as he spoke.

"I want you, БҴt Ї Ԁөҋ't ҜҋөѠ ЇҒ ҰөҴ ѠДҋt ӍЄ. ҰөҴ'ЯЄ ЅДҰЇҋԌ Їt, ДҋԀ ԌөԀЅ, Їt'Ѕ Ӊөt, БҴt ӉөѠ Ԁө Ї ҜҋөѠ ҰөҴ ҜҋөѠ ѠӉДt ҰөҴ'ЯЄ ЅДҰЇҋԌ."

You were both conflicted, and you figured you were both conflicted about the same thing. You can understand each other with your actions, not your words. You smiled nervously and slowly got to your feet, trying to ignore Bakugous eyes on your body as you also began to pace around the room. You thought out loud, your words quiet and almost incoherent as you began to mumble.

Fantasy Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now