Chapter 40

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You sighed and sat down on the forest floor, poking at the barely lit fire pit. The blonde hadn't come back yet, and you groaned, bored and hungry.

"Kat. Su. Ki. Come onn."

"I'm right here. Shut up."

You looked over and smiled, seeing the prince had appeared right next to you, preparing a rabbit he had caught. You sighed happily and stretched your arms, apologizing for whining.

"I'm just glad that I can talk to you! I want to talk as much as we can."

"Say something of value and we can talk."

You scoffed as Bakugou laughed, handing you a skewered stick with different parts of the rabbit on it. You held the stick over the fire, watching the meat burn and cook slowly.

"I'm really worried about you and Kirishima, Katsuki."

"I know you are, but it was stupid of you to push us away. We could've all gotten out of that together."

You shook your head, glaring at the fire before glaring over at Bakugou, who just stared angrily back. You knew that was something he would say, even if you disagreed with it.

"Uraraka said the most she could teleport was three people. What if something had gone wrong and Kirishima got left behind? He could've died!"

"You could be dead right now!"

You looked away and closed your eyes, frowning as you heard the pain in his voice.

"I can't...I can't lose you (F/N). Not now, not after everything."

"You won't lose me, I know I'm...alive, at least."

Bakugou sighed and pulled the stick away from the fire, waving it in the air boredly as the meat continued to smoke.

"How can you be sure?"

You pulled your own stick from the fire, humming quietly. You put the food to your lips, blowing on it to make sure it wasn't too hot, before taking a bite. Even though it was just rabbit, whatever spices and salts Bakugou had made it taste better a hundred times over.

"Because I'm hungry."

"Tch, and what does that have to do with anything."

"It means I'm alive."

You smiled as Bakugou ruffled your hair, rolling his eyes as you laughed. The blonde sat with you while you ate, offering you his food when you had finished off the pieces he gave you before.

"Not hungry?"

"I am, but you're more hungry."

You hesitated, taking the stick from the Prince before sighing, tapping it boredly in the air as you hugged your knees.

"I...forgot you're just a part of my dream."

"Just because I'm not real, doesn't mean I can't be useful."

Bakugou smirked and leaned closer, tilting his head as he kissed your ear. You blushed and swatted at him, pushing him away as you tossed the remains of the rabbit meat into the fire, getting to your feet.

"Y-Yeah well, say something useful, and I'll listen."

You walked away from the fire pit as Bakugou scoffed loudly, appearing at your side as you walked with him through the forest. It was one you had never been to before, but it felt comforting, being around foliage and flora and not the harsh desert.

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