Chapter 15

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Why was working with Bakugou so hard? You walked bitterly alongside the blonde as you argued down the streets of the city, avoiding his hands as he continued to try and take the map from you.

"I want to get some new clothes Bakugou."


"I need some, Kirishima needs some, and you definitely-"


"I have the map, you don't get a choice."


"Is that all you know how to say?!"

You stopped in your tracks and huffed, tapping you foot impatiently as Bakugou stopped too, turning to face you and crossing his arms, leaning down to look at you in a fight for dominance.

"Nө. ӉөѠ ӍДҋҰ tЇӍЄЅ Ԁө Ї ӉДѴЄ tө ЅДҰ Їt."

"I don't understand you!"

He groaned and grabbed your shoulders to pull you aside and out of the way of other citizens, but stopped when you hissed in pain. Bakugou wasn't used to being around people who were injured, or at least, so injured they couldn't handle being shoved around. You moved to the side of the street with him and rubbed your broken arm gently, wincing as you rested your hand against it.

He was right. You should just go back to Kirishima and start taking care of yourselves, but you were in too deep. You were only a few streets away from your destination and you were determined to not let Bakugou lead the way. Maybe it's subconsciously payback? Whatever it was, it was pissing both of you off. Finally, he waved you away and began walking in another random direction, and you shouted after him.

"Wh-Wait, Bakugou! We're supposed to stick together!"

You were too weak to shove past the crowds of the crosswalks, and by the time you reached the other side, the blonde was gone. You cursed under your breath and rubbed your face in irritation, going back to the map and heading towards where you wanted to go.

"When I go back and Kirishima finds out, that'll be his problem."

Your face slowly turned sour and you pouted, continuing to mutter under your breath as you looked for the sign of the shop. A few more buildings down, and you found it. 'Jeanist's Clothes and Fabrics'. Perfect. You pushed opened the door and peeked in like before, stepping into the day lit boutique.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

"Yes, hello."

A tall, blonde, tired looking man popped around the corner and waved weakly, moving back to whatever he had been working on before. You smiled and nodded, quickly checking over the shelves and outfits hanging along the walls. All you needed were some basics; new pants, a new shirt and jacket, possibly a hat if you were going to continue being outside all day everyday. Kirishima and Bakugou needed new everything, but you had no clue what their style or preferences were.

You sighed and picked up a pair of hunting pants, feeling the material and humming at the quality. This would cost a fortune in Egaby, if it even existed there. The man from earlier looked again to check up on you and narrowed his eyes, and you felt a chill run up your spine. Slowly turning around, you saw him walk briskly towards you, taking the pants out of your arms and quickly glancing between you and the article of clothing.

"What do you think you're doing?"


His eye twitched and he looked you up and down, tapping his thumbs against the pants he held before whispering.

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