Chapter 1

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"Where the hell is this map taking me?"

You sighed and flipped the parchment around, turning it and squinting your eyes in irritation. Sure, the directions you received were from strangers, but it's not like they would've sent a young adventurer on a wild goose chase...right? All you wanted to do was help by our village, but as soon as you left Egaby, however, you became lost. Luckily you had stumbled across a small trio of travelers, and even though you were told not to talk to strangers, you were lost, and needed help. They told you the port city of Genthburn was only a few days travel if you head southwest, rather than Northwest.


"Yes! You'll find Troughtpond, it's a small river town, but they have ships that travel to Genthburn all the time! It may seem off course, but we promise, it's the fastest route!"

"Well thank you, thank you very much!"

You scolded yourself for believing strangers so naively and sighed, walking through the darkness of the dense forest. Well, even if they lied, there has to be something on the other side of this forest. You continued along the path for another hour or so and shivered, feeling the chill of night grow stronger. The path grew less visible and you sensed a dropoff nearby, as if there was a steep hill getting steeper the further you walked.

And you were right, because the next step you took was a small chunk of soft dirt, and you lost your footing. You shouted as you fell down the earthy hillside, bumping into rocks and tree stumps before finally hitting the hard flat ground. Rolling a few more feet from impact, you groaned and coughed, gathering your strength to pick yourself up. You could feel cuts and scrapes opening up on your skin, blood seeping out into the cold air and you hissed in pain. Looking around for anyway back to the path, you cracked your neck and staggered forward, grumbling to yourself.

"Why did I think this was a good idea. I should've just stayed on the path and not even asked for directions. Goddamn bastards, if I ever see them again-"

You stopped yourself, freezing as a small clearing came into view. You made your way closer and hope spawned in your heart. It was the start a fire, and a fire pit meant there were people. You moved as quickly as you could, jogging over to the small camp and called out, hoping someone was nearby.

"H-Hello? Is anyone here?"


"I um, I hope I'm not disturbing you! I just saw this camp and was hoping I could be redirected- back..."

You flinched as you heard the loud crash of wood being dropped to the ground. A boy emerged from the darkness slowly, coming closer to the fire with intimidation in his red eyes. He was tall and lean with ashe blonde hair in a messy, unkept style. His clothes were unkept as well, wearing only pants and a large fur cape, tribal jewelry covering him from head to toe. You didn't even realize he had a sword until he pulled it from its sheath, tilting it towards you. He spoke loudly, but it was in a language you didn't understand. He was foreign, either that, or you were foreign.

"I-I'm sorry for imposing, I didn't mean to-"

He shouted again, louder than before and stormed towards you, causing your eyes to widen. You yelped as he swung the sword towards you and fell back, scrambling to your feet and away towards the rest of the forest. You weren't sure which direction you were running, but you knew you had to get away from him. The woods were dark, and you could only see a few feet in front of you, but you continued to zig zag through the trees.

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