Chapter 42

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"It's been a while, Tokoyami."

"Prince Shoto? What are you doing here?"

"Um, hi, yes I'm here too-"

The new stranger looked at you, his eyes dark and narrow as they stared you down. You weren't sure if he was a bird turned into a human, a human that had been cursed, or...or if he just looked like that. You shook your head, scolding yourself for wanting to judge, knowing what you yourself had been through.


The clearing you three stood in grew darker, and you saw the shadows on the ground dancing, almost as if there was a fire nearby. A chill ran up your spine as something grabbed onto your ankle under your skirt, and you looked down, lifting up one side slightly. You went to scream, Todoroki quickly covering your mouth, his other arm wrapping around your shoulders to keep you still.

"Don't. Scream."

You shook in confused fear, seeing a shadowed claw gripped onto your ankle, squeezing it as it climbed up your leg. It felt freezing on your skin, trying to control your shaking as Todoroki sighed, looking over to his friend.

"Do you really have to scare her like this?"

"He is weary of new people."

"Yeah, but I'm not new people. She's with me."

The half human, half bird sighed and called out, mumbling something about a 'dark shadow'. The shadowy hand let you go, the darkness dancing along the forest floor before disappearing completely. After a few more seconds of silence, a quiet whispering was heard ahead of you, then the stranger spoke against, sighing quietly.

"Apologies, Egabian, my name is Tokoyami Fumikage. I am an old friend of Shotos."

"It's...nice to meet you. My name is (F/N)(L/N)..."

You hesitated for a moment, looking over to the Prince, seeing Todoroki smile before looking back at Tokoyami.

"I wish I could say I'm just visiting, but I'm here on business."

"You are the dark spirit we have been feeling in the forest below, are you not?"

Todoroki sighed and nodded, crossing his arms. You mimicked him and scooted a little closer to the prince, still confused. We?

"I need to know if I can remove this curse, or-"

"Or if you will be like me, I understand."

"Fumikage I don't mean it like-"

"It is alright, Prince. I am not offended, I know darkness is something to fear."

Tokoyami turned around, nodding his head for you and Todoroki to follow him. The prince followed without problem, but you hesitated, groaning quietly when he called your name. Why did you have to go into the creepy cave?! The darkness only grew as the cold air from the cave overwhelmed the two of you. Eventually, it was pitch black, and you quietly called Todorokis name, sighing in relief when he found your hand, helping lead you around. You followed the sound of Tokoyamis soft footsteps, stopping once they stopped and a small light began to glow up ahead.

"...The water-"


You moved closer to the light, pulling Todoroki along as followed Tokoyami into the circular room. It was exactly like the one you had seen in your dream, like the Dragons Mouth near Egaby. The water glowed with that same dim light as the springs, but it shown so much brighter in the darkness of the cave, rather than in the light of the outside world.

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