Side Story - Toga

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"Pl-Please...stop...l-let me go-"

The cries and pleas of the woman were ignored as the quiet blonde hummed happily, covering the womans mouth and dragging the dagger she had stabbed into her further down. The blood spilled and pooled out into the alleyway ground, staining the girls legs and shoes. She pouted and glared over at the woman, who was losing consciousness.

"I just got these shoes, and now they're ruined. I thought you'd be a lot less messier than the last person..."

She pulled the dagger from the woman, licking the blade as the victim passed out, quickly bleeding out and into the alley. The girl stood up and dusted off her dress skirt and sweater, still humming as she skipped off and back into the streets. Her humming turned to singing as she licked the blood off of her cheek, her pointed teeth glinting in the moonlight as her yellow eyes lit up in ecstasy.

"Oi, crazy eyes."

"Is that my favorite pr-"

A large flame bursted from another darkened alleyway, causing the girl to stop, her smile wide and her eyes crazed, but this time out of fear.

"I said to not even make jokes about that, bitch."

"No need to be rude, Dabi. Get over yourself."

Dabi emerged from the shadows, tossing the girl her cloak as she twirled around, clipping it over her shoulders and throwing the hood up. She danced and hummed in the moonlight, quickly jogging to catch up with her partner.

"So, what's on the agenda for tonight? Are we going to go look for Stainy?"

"I do that alone, I don't take you with me in case I really do find him. He doesn't need to suffer by meeting you."

"Oh come on~ you're no fun! I want to meet him as much as you do!"

The girl giggled and dragged her bloodied knife along the side of a nearby building, purring as the sound of metal scratched against the cobblestone. Dabi rolled his eyes and cracked his neck, looking off towards the castle. He didn't want to have to resort to having her help; he wanted to be the first one to find the man he looked up to.

"Hey, Toga."

"Hmm, Dabi?"

The man stopped in place and sighed, kicking at the ground in irritation.

"You're good at thinking like others. If you were Stain, where would you hide?"

Togas eyes lit up and she jumped in the air, laughing and hopping around Dabi as he immediately regretted asking her for help. She shook her fists up and down in excitement, pointing over towards the castle.

"Well, you would think any normal person who's hiding from the law would hide right under their noses."

"If he's hiding there, then-"

"Shhhhhh, let me finish~"

Toga quickly covered Dabis mouth with one finger, staring up at him with seductive eyes. She licked her lips just thinking about Stain; the man she wanted to find and carve up, and Dabi clicked his tongue, knocking her hand away.

"Stainy is too smart for that. If you hide that close, your chance of getting caught sooner than later is way higher than if you just hid as far away as possible!"

She bounced in place and smiled at Dabi, making the man sigh and raise his eyebrow.

"So that means..."

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