Chapter 57

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"Let's see...Egaby."

Your eyes glanced over the index of the first book, seeing the different subjects and sections of information. You turned to the first chapter, skimming over the water stained pages.

The beginnings of Egaby;

Egaby was founded by an unknown leader three years after Okamoto was established, yet it was one of the last locations to be named and settled. Leadership is passed down by blood, or, if no heirs, is passed by election from current Leader.

Egaby specializes in hunting, though fishing to the East and South is poor. Large forests surround Egaby, with animals from deers to small bears. Meat is traded throughout Okamoto in exchange for other goods.

"Huh, so we used to hunt for the country, and traded meat for the more urban towns around us."

"That's interesting, but nowadays, a lot of those towns have animal farms, don't they?"

"I think so. Maybe that's why we started hunting just for ourselves..."

You flipped through the pages, cocking your head when you saw the chapter title, a note scribbled under the printed text.

Religion in Egaby;

Egaby deals with the same Gods and Goddesses as Okamoto, following the Heroic Gods from before Okamoto was established.

-They continued to follow the same practices after their exile, changing very little in their traditions and practices.

"Did we?"

"You must have, you believe in all of the same Gods we do, right?"

"Like All Might, Kamui, Enji, and Yu?"

You nodded, and Midoriya smiled, asking if you had any religious buildings or shrines dedicated to a particular God.

"We had an old church for ceremonies, but the only Shrine we had was built for Ryo, the God of Hunting."

"That makes sense...I wonder if your culture is really all that different from ours."

You sighed and leaned back in your chair, ignoring Bakugou as he continued to practice little phrases and compliments on you. You rubbed your temple and shut the book, reaching for the second one.

"Maybe there's more in here."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

You looked over at Shoto, who sat with his foot up on the edge of the table, his arms crossed as he teetered the chair dangerously. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at the book, opening the dusty cover and beginning to skim over the pages.

"To be honest...I'm not sure. I thought maybe I could find written information on if, or when, we helped the League of Villains...something more than just what everyone tells me."

"It was in the middle of the war, right, Midoriya?"

Midoriya nodded and grabbed another book from his own pile, flipping it open as his eyes quickly scanned down the page, muttering quietly.

"They say that The League was being pushed back by Okamotos army, and that they took refuge in Egaby, with Egabians sympathizing for their cause."

"What was their cause, exactly?"

The Knight looked up, his eyebrows pinched as he sighed and sat back, crossing his own arms in concentration.

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