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.:Author's Note:.

Toby at the top.


Toby's POV:

I was awakened by a kick to the face.

"Wake up, you dirty fag." Someone sneered at me. I opened my eyes as a painful groan escaped my gushing lips. Terrance, my older brother, looked down at me coldly. As soon as he realized that I was awake, he readied himself to deliver another blow. Why'd you choose to sleep on the floor last night, of all nights? I asked myself bitterly as I quickly curled into the fetal position.

Terrance was six feet tall, which was a giant compared to my 5'3" height. He got the build of my dad, may his soul rest in peace, while I got my mother's shapely form. He had green eyes while I had my mother's chocolate brown eyes. I had brown hair while he had a mane of curly blonde hair. We couldn't look more different, yet so alike. We both had our dad's nose and our mother's full lips.

Terrance's foot landed on my arms repeatedly as I tried to muffle my screams of pain. No tears fell, though. I wouldn't allow them to. Ever since the abuse started, I vowed to myself that I would never give anyone the liberty of seeing me cry. They couldn't break me. I was unbreakable.

"Tell Mom about this and you'll regret it, bitch." Terrance spat at me once he was done. He then left the room, but I stayed in place so that my body could heal from the recent abuse. Being a werewolf definitely had its perks. When I finally felt like I could move, I stood up and headed to my personal bathroom. I did my morning routine and then made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. Mommy stood at the stove, and I tried not to make my presence known as I snuck up behind her.

"Happy birthday, Mommy!" I shouted into her ear and giggled as she screamed loudly.

"Holy fucking shit, Toby! You almost gave me a heart attack!" She complained before flicking my forehead. My mother was a beautiful woman with long brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. She was a couple of inches taller than me, standing at 5'5", and had curves that any woman would kill for.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Mommy said a bad word. Now you have to put some money in my jar, missy." I mocked with a huge grin. My mother grumbled as she placed a ten dollar bill into my jar before returning to the stove.

"I shouldn't have paid you. You almost killed me!" She muttered as she scrambled the eggs. I giggled again before kissing her on the cheek.

"All is fair in love and war, dear Mommy." I told her. Many teenagers wouldn't dare call their mothers "Mommy," but I did. It was a name that I never grew out of, and I didn't plan to do so either.

"Well thank you for the birthday wishes, Cupcake." She replied, using the nickname my Daddy had given me when I was a pup. I gave her a soft smile as I accepted the plate full of breakfast foods. After walking over to the island and getting comfortable in one of the stools, I dug into my food.

Heavy footsteps coming down the stairs immediately caught my attention and caused me to tense in my seat. Terrance walked over to Mommy and wished her a happy birthday also with a kiss on the cheek. He then sat across from me at the island with a plate of his own. I didn't dare to look at him and quickly tried to finish my food.

After some time, Terrance cleared his throat and I stupidly glanced up at him. He brought his finger across his neck with the clear message "I will kill you." My eyes grew wide as I cleared my plate then dropped it into the sink. I hurriedly told Mommy goodbye before hightailing out of the house as if it was on fire. It was too risky being in there at the moment.

Once I was a safe distance away from home, I set a steady pace for my walk to school. It wasn't that far, which was a pro and con in my case. The tall building of Dakota High School came into view ten minutes later, and I stepped into the building just as the first bell rang. Thank Goddess! I thought. I wouldn't have to be bothered by my main tormentors just yet.

Throughout the day, I still got the occasional name calling and shoving in-between classes, but they were nothing compared to what was to come.

I dreaded the moment the bell for lunch rang. I tried to take up as much time as possible as I packed away my things, in hopes that my tormentors would be annoyed that I was taking too long and leave, but that wasn't the case. As soon as I stepped out of the classroom, I was greeted by every member of my pack that attended my school; students and teachers were everywhere.

"It's about time you came out of there. We were just thinking of coming in." A delicious, yet mocking, voice sounded to my right. I turned and glanced into the eyes of the soon to be Alpha of my pack, Matthew Richardson. He was a handsome guy with dark hair and gray eyes. He was also the guy I had the biggest crush on. I know, sick right?

Having a crush on your bully meant you had to be pretty masochistic.

I couldn't help the whimper of fear that sounded in my throat as every person took a threatening step towards me. I also made no move to run; that would only make it worse. Terrance grabbed me by my shirt and threw me to the ground. Only a surprised yelp was able to leave my lips before the beatings began.

I was hit, punched, and kicked. Some people even went the extra mile to grab my hair and break some bones, and I just took it all. It was something I was pretty used to by now. Times like this, I questioned why people were so cruel. The kids I understood, but weren't adults supposed to help you? Weren't they supposed to be the ones to stop others from doing wrong? Not my pack members. They joined in on the beatings and just made it ten times worse.

"Enough!" Matthew shouted in his dominating voice, causing everyone to back away and admire their handiwork. I stayed curled in my fetal position and waited for them to leave. That's how the routine went. I'd be beaten, Matthew would tell everyone to stop, eventually, and then they'd all leave me there.

I could barely contain my sigh of relief when I heard the pack members' retreating footsteps. When everyone had cleared the hallway, and my bones and skin were healed, I headed to my locker. There was mostly clothes in there since I was always prepared for days like this. I ignored the gay slurs on my locker before grabbing a simple pair of clothes then limping towards the bathroom to get changed. Once everything was done, I broke down in tears.

I cried where no one could see me. I cried for the pain, for the betrayal from my pack, for me, and finally for my Daddy. He would've protected me. It was like he had a sixth sense for when I was in trouble and I loved him even more for it. All he had to do was show up, and everything would be okay again.

After my crying session, I left school. I headed to the one place I felt safe no matter what time of day, the cemetery. I sat at my father's grave and engaged myself into a one-sided conversation, knowing that he was listening, wherever he was. When it was time to go, I placed a kiss on his tombstone and then walked home.

Remember earlier, when I said that I was "unbreakable?" I guess it was a lie, because as you can most likely tell by now, I am already, partly broken.

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