Chapter 41

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Toby's POV:

"Make sure you call me as soon as you land and take care of yourself." Mommy hugged me as she cried on my shoulder. I was crying also as I hugged my favorite person in the entire world. This wasn't like last time when I didn't get to tell Mommy goodbye before I left. That was so much easier.

"I will." I giggled despite my tears. Mommy backed up o that she could touch my flat stomach.

"And take care of this possible baby also. I'll make sure to be there when he or she is born."

It was time for Matthew, Michael, Ozzy and I to return home. We had spent the entire day at the water park and enjoyed the few hours we had left together with our family. It was currently a bittersweet moment. On one hand, I was glad to be returning home to the Black Sun Pack. On the other hand, I was going to miss everyone.

I placed my hand over Mommy's before giggling again. "I will. But I think I'll be back in Virginia before you make it to California since I have to be there for my Goddess babies' births." I teased as Cyn came over to me and Mommy.

Mommy nodded before kissing my forehead and walking over to Matthew Sr. and Ozzy. I took my eyes off of the scene with Ozzy and his grandparents (they were literally smothering him) to look at my best friend. There was a watery smile on her face as she looked at me with her hand on her protruding baby bump. She was only two months pregnant and already showing since she was having twins. I smiled at my best friend before pulling her in for a hug. I didn't want to hold her too tightly since she was carrying.

"It's a shame we can't go through our pregnancies together." She ribbed, causing us both to giggle.

"We have no confirmation that I'm even pregnant." Cyn stopped hugging me to look at me like I was a fool.

"Seriously? The way you railed on Matthew earlier, I wouldn't think you needed any other confirmation." She laughed. I laughed also before placing my hand on her bump.

"I'll be back in time for their birth. I definitely won't miss that." I promised her.

"Good. Because if you're not here, I'm going to fly to Cali myself and beat your pregnant ass." She teased once again before pulling me in for one last hug.

"I'll miss you, Cupcake." She whispered sadly.

"I'll be back before you know it, Gumdrop." Cyn nodded her head before stepping back so that Em, Casey, Darius, Wynter, and Nicholas could bid me farewells. I did my best to hug all of them at the same time. I loved group hugs.

"You take care of yourself."

"If anyone gives you trouble, you know who to call."

"I'll beat a bitch's ass."

"Shut up, Nicholas. You won't do anything." Aunty Wynter slapped her mate. We all laughed. I was definitely going to miss this.

"I'll be back in less than seven months guys."

"That doesn't mean we'll miss you any less." Casey whined. I laughed before hugging them all one last time. After their goodbyes were done, I walked over to Avery and Addy.

"Take care of my boyfriend." Addy warned as I stooped down to address her.

"I will. Take care of your mommy." I warned back jokingly.

"He doesn't need me to. He's got Terrance." She stated happily. I looked to Avery who was sporting a heavy blush when the words that his pup had uttered, registered in his mind.

"Addilyn!" He protested embarrassingly.

"What, Mommy? It's true." Addy smiled before kissing my cheek and walking over to Ozzy who had finally escaped his grandparents' clutches. I stood and turned to face Avery.

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