Chapter 20

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Toby's POV:

I waited a week before deciding to tell Michael about Jeremy's suggestion to go to therapy. I wanted to make sure that I would be able to handle it, and I had to think of a way to get Matthew there too. After ordering him to leave me alone and vanishing from the diner, he hasn't made an appearance. I didn't blame him because I knew I really hurt his feelings. Michael thought it was a good idea and also agreed to come to therapy with me.

It was Monday after class when we had our first session. Surprisingly, Michael had found a way to get Matthew to show up, and he was waiting in the office for us when we walked in. Matthew avoided eye contact as we waited for the therapist. I wanted to talk to him, but I just didn't know what to say.

It only took a few minutes before the therapist to usher us into her room.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Hayworth." She said. Dr. Hayworth wasn't at all what I expected. Instead of wearing a skirt suit like most female doctors, she was dressed in a simple T-shirt and jeans, making me feel comfortable with her. I guess that was her intention.

"Hi, Dr. Hayworth. I'm Michael and these are my mates Toby and Matthew." Michael stated as we took a seat. Our pack didn't have a therapist, so we had to drive to the next county over for this session. Matthew sat at one end of the couch while Michael took the middle seat, leaving me to sit at the other end. Dr. Hayworth sat in a seat also, immediately writing something down in her notepad.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. Now, by the way power is rolling off of you two, Michael and Matthew, I'm assuming you're both Alpha wolves."

"That's correct." Matthew answered, causing Dr. Hayworth to nod and jot something down again. After she was done, she set her comforting gaze on me.

"Toby, do you have an issue being the submissive for two Alpha males?" She questioned, making me blush. I glanced at Michael and Matthew before shaking my head no.

"N-no. I don't mind having two dominant mates." I replied. Hayworth smiled as she wrote my response down before turning to Matthew.

"Matthew, is there a reason why you've made yourself small into the corner of the couch?" She asked him. I didn't even notice that he was basically trying to bury himself under the cushions.

"I'm not making myself small."

"Sure you are. By the looks of it, you're trying to keep the contact between you and Michael to a minimum." Hayworth replied as if knowing that Matthew was going to deny it. He sighed before sitting up straighter.

"There's no reason." He stated firmly, making Hayworth nod and jot something down. I couldn't believe it, we weren't even here for five minutes yet, and she already had enough notes to fill half a page. Hayworth glanced at Michael with a smile.

"Michael, do you think you know why Matthew is shying away while Toby is leaning in for comfort? I'm assuming that you are the most dominant of the three. Would that be correct?"

"I believe so." Michael voiced. "I think it's because Toby and I haven't officially accepted Matthew as our mate and he believes that he's unwanted. And your assumption is correct."

"Why haven't you both accepted Matthew as your mate?" Hayworth looked at me this time. I tensed as I leaned more into Michael's side. He wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulder, which encouraged me to answer her question.

"Because Matthew used to abuse me for almost six years and rejected me as his mate on my birthday."

I was surprised to find out that the whimper that sounded in the room wasn't from me, but was from Matthew instead.

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