Chapter 14

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.:Author's Note:.

Matthew at the top.


Toby's POV:

I continued to watch Michael and Ozzy converse.

"Pha Pha, i-is Tob-by your fr-friend too?" asked Ozzy. Michael chuckled.

"Toby is more than my friend, Ozzy. He's my mate, which makes him your Luna." He replied. Oscar made a sharp gasp. He looked surprised with his eyes and mouth wide open. I scooted closer to the two and Ozzy hopped from Michael's lap, over to mine.

"Do-does Oz-Ozzy half to ca-call you Lu-Luna, now?" He questioned adorably. I shook my head while giving him a small smile.

"No, I'm okay with you calling me Toby." I replied, making him giggle. Seconds later, he yawned tiredly and snuggled up to me while closing his eyes.

"You want him, don't you?" Came Michael's voice in my head. Instantly, I snapped my gaze over to him. How did he know?

"I can't just take a child from his family." I replied as I played with Ozzy's curly hair.

"Ozzy is actually an orphan. His father died in battle two years ago and his mother couldn't take the loss of her mate, so she killed herself."

My heart broke for Ozzy. I was suddenly upset with Ozzy's mother, may her soul rest in peace. How could you just abandon your own flesh and blood? Sure, your mate passed away, but wouldn't you want to spend every waking moment with the last thing you guys shared together. In this case, a child.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked and Michael nodded his head. He took the now sleeping Ozzy from my arms before we all headed inside. We brought Ozzy to his room and placed him under his race car covers. Michael stood at the door as I looked at Ozzy one last time before leaving the room.

Michael took my hand as we walked to the kitchen for lunch. As soon as we sat down, one bowl of chicken pasta salad was placed in front of each of us. We dug in and enjoyed our meal in a comfortable silence. Once we were done, we placed our bowls in the kitchen sink and headed to our room.

Michael was done with his paperwork for the day so it was going to be a lazy day for us. We spent it making love and lounging around. I had school tomorrow so I was prepared to leave when Michael stated the unexpected.

"Move in with me." He said as I got dressed. I stopped what I was doing and turned around to look at him in shock. Should I move in with him?

I've known Michael was my mate for three weeks now and he has already marked me. There wasn't really anything holding me back now. With that in mind, I kept my face blank and put up the block so that he didn't know what I was thinking. He looked to be sweating when I didn't respond right away. I dwelled in his unsure expression, which was kind of mean, but I loved teasing him.

"I mean only if you want to. It's not like I'm demanding you to or anything. Because I would never do that, you know; it's all up to you and -"

"Okay." I finally answered, cutting off his rambling. He looked at me in shock before pulling me into his arms. I giggled as he nuzzled my neck, where my mark was.

"Do I ever tell you how much you make me happy?" He whispered. I wrapped my arms around his neck and inhaled his manly scent.

"Constantly, but I don't mind hearing it." I told him as I smiled against his cheek.

"I love you." He replied and kissed me before I could reply. I didn't kiss back. Why does he always do that?

Michael pulled back when he realized that I wasn't responding and looked at me confusedly.

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