Chapter 24

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Michael's POV:

I had lost sight of Matthew. Rogue after rogue kept coming after me and I couldn't keep my eyes trained on him or I would've been killed. It was getting annoying. I seriously wished he had stayed in the safe room like Toby did. At least I knew he was safe there. I ripped each rogue's throat out, one after the other, but they just seemed to be multiplying. Finally, my pack was able to take out every rogue in the backyard. I looked around and noticed that we had lost only two members from my pack.

"Burn the rogues' bodies. We'll have a ceremony for our fallen ones." I stated through the pack link, getting mumbles of acknowledgement in reply. I looked around again and noticed that Matthew was nowhere to be found. A bad feeling settled in my stomach, and before I knew it, gunshots went off. Matthew.

I felt as if my heart had started contracting and it became hard to breathe. Ezekiel gave a loud howl before he took off in the direction, I guess, my mate was in with other warriors following behind us. I allowed him to take control as my mind became unfocused. In the background, I heard a glass breaking scream and immediately knew that it was Toby.

I could feel his emotions go haywire as Ezekiel pulled up to a clearing. There, in the middle of said clearing, was Matthew lying unconscious with blood pooling from his mouth. I took note of all the gunshot wounds and other damages, more than likely caused by the fight. I immediately took back control, shifted into human form and quickly took him into my arms. Dismissing the smell of hunters and the fact that DiNozzo had gotten away, for now, I focused on getting Matthew to the pack's infirmary.

I turned around and growled lowly at the warriors who were blocking the way for me to get home. They immediately parted and I dashed past them. I could still feel Ezekiel right below the surface. He was just there, quiet. My emotions were mixed up with Toby's and I wasn't able to tell what I was feeling anymore. All I knew was that he was having a panic attack. Even though I wasn't close by, I knew that he was seconds away from passing out.

"Callisto, please relax. We're on our way home." I sent through our link and closed it again before I let anything slip. Instantly, I felt him relax, which helped to ease my mind a little. My actions were on autopilot. I wouldn't have been able to tell you how I made it to the pack house in one piece.

I scanned the pack's backyard and noticed that it was cleared of all the dead bodies and warriors were heading inside to greet their mates. I didn't greet anyone as I stepped inside the house and quickly headed to the infirmary quarters. I could hear Toby in the background, but concentrated on getting Matthew some care first.

As soon as I stepped into the infirmary, Matthew was taken from my arms, and it took all my strength to keep Ezekiel back from attacking anyone near our harmed mate. I guess people had told Dr. L. to prepare for us because I knew I wasn't able to. I wasn't able to focus on anything.

"You better fucking save him!" Ezekiel's voice slipped through my lips and Dr. L. bowed his head before he disappeared to the room where they took Matthew. Once they were out of sight, I was finally able to look around me. Pack members gave me sympathetic glances but I shrugged them off. I didn't need the sympathy because Matthew was going to live.

I sighed heavily and then took in a deep breath. Only then did I notice that I was covered in blood. Matthew's overpowering scent drifted up my nose and I could hear Ezekiel's thoughts go murderous. I wasn't too far behind him. DiNozzo was a dead man walking.

I stepped into the waiting hall just as Toby entered the room. He took one look at me before he turned green with sickness due to Matthew's blood. His eyes rolled before he was tipping and I raced to catch him just before he hit the ground. He gripped my arm tightly as he cried into my bloodied chest.

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