Chapter 27

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.:Author's Note:.

Kitchen at the top.


Matthew's POV:

Toby was in heat. I knew this because I could feel my heat steadily approaching. Michael, his pack warriors, and I were still on the search for DiNozzo when I felt an overwhelming burning sensation. I became painfully hard and Michael had stopped, most likely smelling my arousal. He paused in moving as I whimpered from the painful pleasure that my cock was going through. Michael's warriors had stopped moving also, waiting for their Alpha's commands.

I guess Michael had told them to head back home because suddenly, they were running back in the direction that we had just come from. Once they were gone, Michael came closer to rub himself all over me. I shifted into human form and waited for Michael to do the same. This heat wasn't as bad as the first one and I think that we could make it home before I literally raped him. If we had a bond, I would've been able to tell him that without having to shift.

After telling him that bit of information, he chuckled before we both shifted back into our wolves and raced home. The yard was clear of people, which made it easier to sniff out Toby's arousal. The smell caused me to growl lowly and run inside. Michael was right on my tail as we hurried to get to Toby. We reached the Alpha's quarter in no time and found the door open. The section was clear of all of Toby's family members. I guess they wanted to give us some privacy. Michael and I shifted again and headed to the bedroom.

My breath hitched at the sight that greeted us. Toby was on the bed, legs spread, and three fingers deep inside his ass. His other hand was being used to jerk off his cock while his head was thrown back and his eyes were shut tight. I don't even think he noticed that Michael and I were in the room, watching the beautiful sight. His moans were like music to my ears and I didn't even try to contain the growl that left my lips. Toby jumped at the sound and opened his eyes.

"H-how long have you two been standing there?" He asked as his face turned scarlet. He removed his fingers from his chute and I watched, mesmerized, as his hole twitched, begging to be filled once again.

"Long enough." Michael answered huskily. His voice did things to me, like cause a tremendous amount of precum to leak from my dick.

Michael and Toby had an inner conversation with each other before a grin broke out on Toby's face as he stood up and walked over to me. My breath hitched for the second time in five minutes as Michael made his way behind me and Toby pressed himself against my front. All three of us were already naked, so there were no barriers between us, and I think they enjoyed that fact a little too much. I didn't mind though because I was finally going to be one with my mates.

Michael planted open-mouthed kisses around my neck while Toby took my cock into his soft hand. He started a slow rhythm in jerking me off as he too started placing open-mouthed kisses on my body. I moaned as Toby picked up his pace and Michael became firmer with his kisses. He started nibbling and licking at my sweet spot. I couldn't have told you how we made it to the bed because I was too lost in pleasure to notice that we had even begun moving. All I knew, now, was that I was laying down with Toby at my side and Michael was hovering over me.

"I've been waiting a long time for this." Michael stated huskily, causing Toby to nod his head in disoriented agreement. I smiled as the intense emotions showed in my eyes.

"Let's begin. Shall we?" He asked teasingly, so I didn't bother with a response.

"You need to prep Toby, and I'll prep you." He stated as he stood from the bed. With the added space, Toby was able to make his way under me as I hovered over him, just like Michael and I a few seconds ago.

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