Chapter 11

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I woke up surrounded by heat. I dwelled in the feeling and snuggled more into Michael's chest. He tightened his arm around my waist and mumbled something incoherent which made me giggle at his cuteness. He woke up from the sound, peeking at me with one eye and giving me a lazy smile.

"Good morning, Callisto." He mumbled. His voice was thick with sleep and sounded oh so tempting.

"Good morning, Bubby." I replied brightly. He raised an eyebrow at me.


"Yes, Bubby. Baby was too cliché." I answered before kissing his bare chest. Michael growled lowly before pulling me impossibly closer and inhaling my scent. He groaned pleasurably as I blushed.

"Care to join me for a shower?" He asked suggestively.

I created some space between us and gave him a flirty look. His eyes darkened with lust which made me grin. Having him right where I wanted him, I flipped us over and straddled his waist. I leaned down, closer to his ear, and whispered a teasing, "No."

I laughed uncontrollably, jumped off the bed, and raced out of the room, grabbing one of his discarded shirts along the way. It only took a couple of seconds for Michael to realize what had just happened before he growled loudly. He started chasing me when I reached the middle of the pack house's steps.

I continued to laugh as he chased me around the pack house.

"You won't get away with that, Callisto!" He shouted from a distance behind me. Pack members watched us in amusement but kept out of the way. When we reached the backyard, we shifted into our wolves.

Not even seconds later, a melody of giggles drifted after us. It wasn't just Michael and I playing around anymore; some of the pack's pups decided to join in on the fun. I didn't mind because I absolutely adored kids. Michael and I chased the pups around as their parents watched from inside or from different parts of the yard. After a while, everybody's movement became sluggish and we crashed on the grassy field. I shifted back and quickly put on a pair of shorts that were thrown my way as Michael did the same. The pups jumped on Michael and me, making me giggle.

I watched happily as Michael continued to frolic with the pups. He'd make such a great dad one day, I thought cheerfully. After realizing what I had just thought, I quickly diminished it and watched as the parents came to claim their child.

Once every child was with their parent, Michael turned to me. He quickly grabbed me in his arms and threw me over his shoulder. I yelped from the fast movement and started pounding his back with my fists. I'm pretty sure my thumps felt like wind against his back, but I didn't relent. Michael unexpectedly spanked my butt making me release a slight moan. Whoa! Masochist, much?

"If you keep hitting me, that first spank won't be your last." He warned playfully, but I found myself being okay with the threat. However, I stopped my hitting and let him carry me through the house. Before I knew it, we reached Michael's bathroom and he placed me on the sink so that he could set the shower.

Once the shower was set, we stripped from our shorts and stepped under the steaming water. It felt good against my back, and I couldn't help the moan of pleasure. I didn't even remember that Michael was in the shower until he turned me around and pressed me against the wall. I glanced up into his lust filled eyes and blushed shyly.

"You don't know how crazy you make me." He said before his lips took mine into a fiery kiss. He picked me up, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I happily gave acceptance to. Our tongues battled for dominance, which he obviously won, as I started to grind against him.

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