Chapter 46

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Toby's POV:

"Come on guys, we have to board the jet now. I want to arrive at Emery's pack before everyone goes to bed." I told my mates as I power walked towards said jet. Ozzy gripped my hand a little tighter as I unintentionally dragged him with me. I could hear Matty and Michael running behind me, trying to catch up.

It was finally time to fly back to Virginia for Cyn's delivery. I couldn't have been more excited. I was going to see my family again, in the flesh, since seven months. No one knew about the surprise appearance. I couldn't wait to see their faces when we all popped up.

"Slow down, will you?! We'll get there in time." Matty rushed out once he and Michael were close enough. I stopped at the bottom of the jet's steps and turned to face them. Ozzy happily fidgeted next to me as he patiently waited for us to board the jet.

"Do you guys not understand how important this is for me?" I asked them pointedly. Matty only raised his hands in defense as Michael looked at me dully. I cocked an eyebrow at him, causing his dull look to turn into a smirk.

"Chop, chop. On the jet. Is everything alrea-" I paused my sentence as an intense pain hit me in my lower back and stomach. I had to let go of Ozzy's hand and held my stomach, hoping to ease the sudden pain. It didn't help.

"Callisto, what's wrong?!" Michael panicked as he rubbed my back. My face scrunched up unpleasantly.

"I-I think I'm going into labor." I answered before groaning again as another pain hit me. "Yup, definitely labor."

"Holy shit! Holy shit! This is not a drill, guys. This is not a drill. Toby's having the babies." Matthew paced as he tugged on his hair. What the hell?!

"Matty, baby?" I tried to catch his attention.

"Yes, honey? What do you need? Do I need to do anything? Holy shit! We're at an airport for crying out loud. It's going to take at least fifteen minutes to get back to the pack house."

I was glad that Michael had remained level headed the entire time. He continued to rub my back as he stared into space, most likely telling Dr. L. to prepare for us. I, on the other hand, had to deal with contractions and a panicky mate.

"I need you to just, just shut the fuck up. Please." I finally answered Matthew. "I mean that in the nicest way possible, Matty baby. I can't think straight and deal with these pains while you're over here going slightly insane."

Matty chuckled before nodding. "Sorry. Sorry. I wasn't helping. I'll go get the car."

I grinned as Matty power walked towards the car with Ozzy on his tail. Another painful contraction hit me. I would've buckled over if Michael wasn't holding on to me so tightly.

"Okay, Callisto. Come do some breathing exercises with me." Michael tried to help.

"I don't want to do any fucking breathing exercises. I want these rascals out of me!" I groaned as the contractions seem to increase in pain level. Fuck me! I didn't mean to call my pups rascals. They were just causing me so much pain.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Look, Matty's coming with the car."

"Shit!" I cried again, not at all paying attention to what was going on around me. I wouldn't have been able to tell you how Matty and Michael had gotten me into the car, or to the pack's infirmary, but they did. Before I knew it, I was in the delivery room with Matty, Michael, Dr. L. and some nurses.

"Are you ready, Luna?" Dr. questioned as he snapped on a pair of gloves. I shook my head no, causing him to frown slightly.

"Can we Skype my family? Since they can't be here in person, I at least want them to be here in... screen?" I ended in a question, hoping they would understand. Matty chuckled as he nodded before stepping out of the delivery room. Seconds later, he was back with his laptop. He quickly placed it in a safe spot and called my mom on Skype. She picked up after two rings.

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