Chapter 5

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.:Author's Note:.

Dr. J. at the top.


Toby's POV:

I was in a meadow. What was I doing in a meadow?

The last thing I remembered was... Matthew rejecting me. The images flashed before my eyes like a video before the waterworks followed.

How could people be so cruel? How could he be so cruel? Matthew's eighteenth birthday was way before mine so he knew I was his mate, yet he still continued to abuse me. How could I be so stupid falling for the pack's act?

I wiped away the tears from my eyes. Just as I was about to get up and search around, I noticed a wolf slowly approaching me. The wolf had thick brown fur, streaked with grays and yellow, a dark muzzle, and golden brown eyes. It was my wolf. Jairo (my wolf) plopped down in front of me, causing me to look at him questioningly.

"Umm, Jairo? Where are we?" I asked through our mind-link since wolves couldn't verbally speak.

"We're at the place where life and death meet. The Moon Goddess wanted to see you." He replied in my head.

I nodded my head and then waited. Jairo wasn't much of a talker, which normally wasn't a problem for me, but right now, I couldn't stand the depressing silence. I glanced at Jairo and noticed that he was already staring at me.

"How are you holding up?" We both asked at the same time. It almost made me want to chuckle.

"I'm hurting pretty bad at the moment; not really from him rejecting me though. It's mostly the betrayal. Isn't there a silent contract that states no harm is to come to your mate? I guess Matthew didn't sign it." I sighed.

"Well, I really hate Matthew right now. He's keeping me away from my mate. I can feel Demarco (Matthew's wolf) calling for me, but Matthew is ignoring it. By the way, Demarco said he will always love you and that he's sorry for his human." Jairo responded.

I smiled sadly but turned around when a light breeze picked up behind me. The Moon Goddess had arrived. She was a tall woman with flowing silver hair and bright violet eyes. She was beautifully pale and her cheeks seemed to hold a natural blush. I stood up before approaching her. I bowed my head in respect and greeted her.

"It's an honor to meet you, My Lady. Jairo here says you wanted to see me."

The Moon Goddess used a finger to tilt my head up.

"No need for formalities, my dear child, and please call me Shiloh." She replied.

I smiled at her and nodded as we took a seat in the fresh grass, next to Jairo. She started running her fingers through his fur making him purr, like some cat. I gave a light laugh before turning my attention back to Shiloh.

"Am I going to die?" Was the first thing I blurted out. She giggled, but I wasn't making a joke. I didn't think I wanted to live anymore. I was tired, and finally, broken completely. Shiloh stopped laughing and looked at me seriously.

"Your journey isn't complete yet, my dear child. You still have so much to live for."

I scoffed at her. "Excuse my rudeness, Moon Goddess but I don't really have anything else to live for. My main reason for living abused me for years and then rejected me. Who would want to go back to that?"

Shiloh wiped away the tears that I didn't even know were falling.

"I'm sorry that you're going through all of this, but it's part of the plan. It gets better, I promise." I nodded, even though I didn't believe her.

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