Chapter 18

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Michael's POV:

Toby was going to be so excited. He's been depressed lately and I felt helpless in the sense that I couldn't fix it. I knew that the only solution was Matthew, but I didn't think that he was ready to face him yet, so I came up with the next best thing. I was at the airport while Toby was out with Ozzy and Jeremy. I had to tell him a bullshit lie about where I was going, which I felt terrible about, but it would be worth it in the end.

"Flight 292 from Virginia is now landing." Came a lady's voice over the loud speaker. I stood up as I waited in front of the gate where people were going to exit from. I didn't have to wait long before five familiar faces stepped through the terminal.

I wasn't surprised when they spotted me right away because Toby's scent was all over me. Summer was the first to greet me as she pulled me into a hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person, Michael." She stated as she stepped back from our hug. I smiled softly at her and then greeted the others.

"It's nice to finally meet all of you in person." I told them.

Emery, Casey, and Darius nodded at me while Cynthia seemed to judge me with her eyes. She scanned me from head to toe, and when she believed that I had passed her test, she smiled at me. I smiled back and then we all headed over to the baggage claim to collect their stuff.

Once that was taken care of, I led them outside to where my car was parked. Darius helped me put the suitcases in the trunk as everyone else took their seat. I patted his back in appreciation and then headed to the driver's side. Once everyone was safely in the car, I drove out of the airport parking lot.

The drive home was made with everyone asking questions. I answered them truthfully and to the best of my abilities. By the end of the drive, I felt like I knew everyone my whole life instead of just an hour. I pulled up in front of the pack house before everyone exited the car. Darius took some suitcases and I took the others as I led everyone inside. Pack members greeted us but looked at our guests questioningly.

"Stop staring. This is Toby's family." I told them through mind link and they smiled then looked away. Summer, Casey, Cynthia, Emery, and Darius greeted the members as they followed me to The Alpha's quarter. I unlocked the door and stepped to the side so they could enter after me. I told Darius to leave the bags by the door where I placed the others before saying they could make themselves at home.

Once I made sure that everyone was comfortable I made my way to my room. Opening the door, I saw Ozzy tucked under Toby's arm as they snored lightly. I chuckled at the sight and closed back the door. Seems like they came home early.

I went back to the living room and took a seat. All eyes were set on me.

"Toby and Ozzy are sleeping so the surprise will have to wait until later." I told Toby's family.

Summer gave a quiet squeal of happiness. "I can't wait to see my baby and meet my grandbaby!" She stated excitedly. I smiled at her and then the room fell into a comfortable silence, minus the TV in the background. I don't know how long we sat there watching it before we heard the room door open and then close.

Everybody held their breath in anticipation as we heard two pairs of footsteps heading our way.

Toby's POV:

I was awoken by Ozzy who was desperately trying to get himself out of my hold. "Stop moving, Ozzy." I told him tiredly.

"Oz-Ozzy has to pee-pee." He said causing me to let him go. He raced to the bathroom as I turned over to lay on my back. There was no use in going back to sleep so I got up and went to the bathroom with Ozzy. He was just washing his hand when I stepped in. I smiled at him as he smiled at me and then left the bathroom. I did my business, washed my hands, and then entered the room where Ozzy was waiting for me on the bed.

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