Chapter 49

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.:Author's Note:.

New house at the top.


One Month Later

Toby's POV:

"You're all ready to leave now. The pups have gained a substantial amount of weight so you all no longer have to remain in the infirmary. However, I do recommend coming in for bi-weekly appointments, but I do believe they will be fine. The enhanced growth spurt will begin next month so be prepared for that..."

I listened attentively as Dr. L. told my mates and me everything that we needed to know before we could head back to the Alpha's quarter. Matthew Sr. and Mommy were also listening to what Dr. L. had to say as they helped dress the pups in some clothes.

Mommy had arrived a couple days after Matthew Sr. and they both weren't ready to leave just yet, even if it was a month later.

"...Do you have any other questions, Luna? Alphas? Grandparents?" Dr. L. asked once he was done with his speech. I smiled but shook my head no. He had pretty much covered everything. I looked to my mates, Mommy, and Matthew Sr., and saw that they had shaken their heads no also.

"Well, I guess that's it. See you all in two weeks." Dr. L. said with a smile before exiting the room. Michael picked up two car seats, Mommy picked up one, Matthew Sr. picked up another, and Matty took the last one while I held onto Ozzy's hand. Together, we left the infirmary, with waves to the nurses in thanks, and headed for the Alpha's quarter. Just as I was about to take the step to our quarter, Matty caught my attention.

"Not yet, Toby. We'd like to show you something." He said as he and Michael looked at me with suspicious smiles. I raised an eyebrow at them before looking to Mommy and Matthew Sr., but they were just as confused as I was.

"Um, okay?" I said apprehensively as I followed behind my mates. They led us out of the pack house and to the garage. We had to upgrade from a regular five seater car to an eight-seater SUV, which still wasn't enough room for all of us at the moment. We weren't going to do something bizarre and drive a twelve seater van however.

Matthew Sr. helped my mates load the pups into the SUV. I took the last seat available and placed Ozzy in my lap while Michael and Matty took the driver's and passenger's seats.

"We'll follow behind you in Connor's car." Mommy said before giving my forehead a kiss and following behind Matthew Sr. Connor was their designated driver for the time being. We were skeptical at first to take the head of the pack warrior's away from his duties, but he convinced us that he had no problems driving my and Matty's parents around, so we didn't bother him anymore.

Michael started up the car before driving away from the pack house.


Twenty minutes later, Michael pulled into the driveway of a very beautiful house. It looked like the cliché white picket fence home, minus the picket fence. I looked at the house in confusion as Michael parked the car before he and Matty got out. I opened the SUV's door and let Ozzy out before following behind him.

"Um, guys? Whose house is this?" I asked my mates as they stared at me excitedly. Before they could respond, Connor pulled into the driveway behind our SUV. Matthew Sr. and Mommy got out of the car, looking at the house just as confused as I was.

"Guys, whose house is this?" I repeated again.

"Why don't you go knock at the door and find out?" Matty replied as he walked back to the SUV He asked his father and Michael to help him unstrap the pups, leaving me, Mommy, and Ozzy to stare at the gorgeous house. I rolled my eyes at their turned backs before taking Ozzy's hand in mine and walking towards the steps.

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