Chapter 26

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I didn't say a word. I couldn't say a word. My body was paralyzed with complete fear. Was this really happening again?

Before I knew it, Michael had his hand wrapped around Stanley's throat as he slammed him against the wall.

"You come onto my territory, and dare to disrespect my mate and Luna? Tell me what's going to stop me from snapping your neck right now." He growled into Stanley's ear as his fangs grew out.

Stanley was Matthew's, soon to be, third in command. He was also one of my most vicious tormentors. When the pack wasn't around, he would always sexually harass me. At first, it was little things like pushing me around and squeezing my butt. Then, it escalated to him grabbing my crotch and rubbing himself against me. Every time he was going to take it a step further, someone would always show up, and I thanked the Goddess for that.

He was 6'0 with a build that was slightly bigger than a swimmer's body. He had hazel eyes and his hair was always over in a quiff.

"Michael, let him go. I wake up from a coma and I don't even get a proper greeting?" Matty's teasing voice washed away all of my fears. I turned to Matty in the hospital bed, ignoring the scene with Stanley, and I found his eyes already on me. He opened his arms for a hug, and I took the opportunity to jump into his lap. He groaned in pain and I muttered quick apologies as I tried to scramble off of him.

Matty wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me in place and buried his face into my neck. He inhaled the mixture of Michael's and my scent before kissing my mark.

"Missed me?" He asked teasingly with a content smile on his face as he pulled back from my neck. I gave him a teasing smile in return and replied, "You have no idea," before planting my lips on his. Sparks flew as he swiped my bottom lip with his tongue and I granted him entrance. Matty's grip tightened around my waist as I gripped his hair. After a while, we separated from our kiss. Michael had dropped Stanley to come over and greet Matty with a kiss that was just as dominating and sexy as the one we shared.

"Welcome back, mate." He said as they parted from the kiss.

"It's good to be back." Matty replied a little breathlessly. Our moment was interrupted by Stanley clearing his throat. We turned to look at him, and I noticed the lust in his eyes. Matthew and Michael most likely noticed it too because they growled threateningly at him. I got off of Matthew's lap in order to snuggle up at his side. Michael took a seat in the chair next to the bed and held onto Matthew's hand.

"Who is this, Matthew?" Michael asked as he continued to glare at the now quaking Stanley.

"This is Stanley, my third in command. He arrived a minute before you and Toby did, and I'm not sure of his reason for being here." Matty replied calmly. Stanley watched us with calculating eyes. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, but I didn't utter a word. He cleared his throat and rubbed his neck, which was healing from Michael's tight grip.

"Your father sent me to check on you. There has been no contact from you in two weeks and he was starting to worry. Terrance wasn't in his right mind to come, so I was the next best thing." Stanley answered Matthew's silent question with a hoarse voice. I didn't have to look to know that Matthew had rolled his eyes. I lightly slapped his arm, causing him to make a questioning sound at me.

"Why'd you hit me?" He asked in a whining tone.

"Don't roll your eyes. Your father cares about you and wanted to make sure that you were okay." I replied while glancing up at him.

"How'd you know I rolled my eyes?" I ignored his question and pecked his lips before turning back to Stanley.

"So, you accepted your mate?" Stanley asked while keeping his gaze on me.

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