Chapter 13

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Toby's POV:

My heat was finally over and everything was returning back to normal. I wasn't sex craved anymore, but that didn't stop Michael from trying to get into my pants at any chance he got.

We were currently sitting in his office. I was bored out of my mind while he was busy with his Alpha duties. I didn't want to disturb him because he was backed up with paperwork due to my heat, but I didn't know what else to do.

"Bubbbyyyy." I whined. He only glanced up at me before looking back down at his papers. I scoffed. Rude much?

"Fine, I'll find someone else to bother." I teased as I left the office, causing him to chuckle.

After leaving the office, I went outside, to the backyard. Pups were running all over the field and I smiled at the sight. I saw one little boy sitting down by himself, so I decided to go over and sit next to him.

"Hi." I said hoping not to scare him. It didn't work because he jumped before glancing at me shyly.

"H-hi. W-who y-you?" he asked. I smiled at his cuteness and speech impediment.

"I'm Toby. And you are?"

"M-me O-Oscar, but I like t-the n-name O-Ozzy." He said and smiled back at me. Oscar didn't look to be more than three or four years old. He had curly blonde hair and the iciest blue eyes I have ever seen. He was too cute, and his speech impediment made him ten times cuter.

"It's nice to meet you, Ozzy. Can I ask why are you sitting here by yourself?"

Ozzy's face took on a crestfallen expression. "No-nobody likes m-me. Th-they t-think Ozzy i-is w-weird."

My heart broke for the little boy. I knew what it felt like, not fitting in, and I was sad that it was happening to a little baby.

"Can I be your friend, Ozzy?" I asked cheerfully. His face seemed to light up like a Christmas tree.

"Re-really? Y-you be O-Ozzy's friend?" He asked excitedly and I nodded my head in confirmation. His smile was ten times brighter as he stood up and raced over to a toy box in the middle of the yard. I watched him in confusion until he came back with two race cars, a Barbie doll, and an army man action figure.

"W-we play r-ra-racing g-game?" He asked me, and I just couldn't say no to his adorable face. He handed me one race car and the Barbie doll, causing me to frown.

"How come I got the Barbie doll?" I asked him. He gave me a look that, I guess, was supposed to mean that I already knew the answer.

"B-because y-you look l-like g-girl." My frown deepened because no, I didn't. A laugh sounded in my head making me realize that Michael was reading my mind the whole time.

"Stop eavesdropping, you jerk." I told him and blocked our connection. I turned my attention back to Ozzy and we began our racing game. Michael came out thirty minutes later, making Oscar forget about our game and smile when he saw Michael.

"H-hi Pha Pha!" He shouted as he launched himself at Michael, smiling even brighter when Michael caught him with ease.

"How's it going little man?" Michael replied. Instantly, Ozzy delved into a long conversation with him. We sat in the grass as the two talked about their day. Oscar told Michael about his new friend, me, and about the game we played. Michael glanced up at me, sending a wink, before focusing back on Oscar.

A small smile graced my face at the sight of them. A family of my own would be nice.


Matthew's POV:

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