Chapter 48

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Toby's POV:

"No ...Dad- ...You don't have to ...Okay, see you then."

I grinned as I listened to the one-sided conversation Matty was having with his father. He sighed before hanging up his phone and turning to face Michael and me.

"Matthew Sr. is on his way, isn't he?" I asked with a grin, already knowing the answer. Matty ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, he is. Says he's been waiting forever for the pups to be born." He replied with a laugh. Michael chuckled as he rocked Mireya in his arms. We had just finished feeding the pups, with help from the nurses, and were now putting them to sleep. Tristian, Hailey, and Savannah were already asleep. It was only Oliver and Mireya awake now, and they didn't look like they were going to sleep anytime soon.

"Do you know when he will arrive?" I asked as Tristian stared up at me. I placed my finger in his palm and almost squealed when he gripped onto it.

"He was actually packing his bags when I hung up. I'm guessing we'll see him in the next four or five hours. Maybe less since he's taking a jet." Matty replied as he caressed my cheek. I leaned into his touch, making sure not to disturb Ozzy who was sleeping beside me.

"I'll let Jelani know about his arrival and send the driver to pick him up." Michael voiced before handing Mireya over for Matty to hold. Matty happily took our baby girl and immediately rocked her gently in his arms. Michael kissed both my and Matty's foreheads before scooping up Ozzy bridal style and placing him in the extra bed that was in the room so that he was able to sleep more comfortably.

I looked back down at Tristian and silently thanked the Moon Goddess when his eyes started drooping. In no time, he was asleep and Michael was taking him from my arms in order to place him in the crib. I made myself comfortable on the bed and laid back. A sudden fatigue hit me, forcing me closing my eyes and following Tristian into the land of sleep.


Matthew's POV:

I hated to do it, and I felt like Toby was going to kill me for doing it, but I had to wake him up in order to feed the pups. He's been sleeping for a little more than two hours now, and I hated to disturb his peace, but the pups were awake now and ready for another feeding. Ozzy and Michael did their best to keep the pups from crying as I gently shook Toby awake.

"Toby, baby." I whispered into his ear. He grumbled before turning over to lay on his side. I chuckled as he also took a pillow to cover his ear in order to block out my voice. It wasn't going to help because we were blessed with super hearing.

"Toby. You know I wouldn't have troubled you if this wasn't important. It's time for another feeding." I told him, causing him to groan as he sat up in the bed. I watched as he cutely wiped the sleep from his eyes as the two nurses from earlier entered the room with five clean bottles. They smiled at Toby while walking over to the bed while I took a step back to take a look at the pups. I was shocked to see that they hadn't started crying and were all looking at Ozzy and Michael with doe eyes.

"Da-Daddy, I have nic-nicknames." Ozzy stated as he looked over at me. I looked at him and Michael before raising an eyebrow.

"Oh really? What are they?" I replied back.

"T-Tris, Vivi, L-Lee, R-Reya, and Moon. You l-like?"

I frowned slightly as I heard the last nickname. It was obvious that Tris was for Tristian, Vivi was for Savannah, Lee was for Hailey, and Reya was for Mireya. But Moon for Oliver? Why?

"I do like them, Ozzy. But why did you nickname Oliver, Moon?" I finally answered. Ozzy frowned before looking to Oliver in his crib. He didn't bother answering me verbally and just pointed to something on the side of Oliver's neck. I raised an eyebrow as I gently turned Oliver's head to face the other way.

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