Chapter 22

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Toby's POV:

"I'll be back Callisto, I'm going to get you some food and your first pill. Matthew, you aid to his every need." Said Bubby as I shifted in bed.

"Got it." Matthew and I replied, making Michael chuckle . He stood up and left the room, leaving Matthew and me in a comfortable silence.

I was still amazed at how much progress we've made since we started seeing Dr. Hayworth over a month ago. Getting over Michael's secret was hard at first, but Dr. Hayworth taught us about being understanding, and eventually I found myself realizing that I shouldn't be mad at him. I also wasn't scared to be left alone with Matthew anymore, and I had forgiven him for what he did. That bit of information wasn't known by him yet.

I shifted some more and Matthew looked at me questioningly. "Are you okay, baby? What's making you uncomfortable? Do I need to fix anything?" He asked worriedly. I laughed lightly at him, causing him to lose the worry in his eyes and replace it with amusement.

"What's so funny?" He questioned as he crept on the bed closer to me. I knew what was going to happen, but I sat still, determined to show him that I wasn't scared.

"You're funny, like a clown." I replied mockingly and he smirked instead of answering. At the last minute, I decided that I was going to make a run for it, but I guess he knew what I was thinking because he pulled me under him before I could move. I couldn't even catch my breath before his fingers were at my sides and I was laughing uncontrollably.

"Since you want to laugh, I'm giving you something to laugh about." He teased as he continued to tickle me. I wasn't able to respond due to all my laughing and shortness of breath.

"Mercy! Mercy! I take it back." I finally got out after some time. Matthew immediately stopped tickling me and I did my best to catch my breath. He didn't move from his position over me and once I did get my breathing under control, I stared at him as he stared at me.

"What?" I asked quietly, as if someone was around the corner listening.

"You're beautiful." He answered just as softly, making me blush.

"Oh, um, thank you." I stated shyly and Matthew just chuckled. We continued to watch each other without saying a word. I saw his eyes flicker from mine, down to my lips, and then back. I knew what he wanted.

"Toby, do you forgive me?" He asked nervously as he looked me in the eyes pleadingly.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I really want to kiss you. But, I won't do it until you've forgiven me." He explained, making me smile. For most of our intimate actions, Matthew had always put the ball in my court. It made me trust him a lot more and realize that he wouldn't push me into anything.

I wrapped an arm around Matthew's neck and pulled him closer.

"I forgive you, Matty." I said softly. "I've forgiven for quite a while now."

Instead of responding, Matty leaned down so that our lips connected. Sparks exploded all over my body and I couldn't help but shiver at the feeling. It was like my first kiss with Michael all over again, but instead of it being dominating and rough, it was slow and passionate. He lightly nibbled on my bottom lip and I immediately granted him access. He slowly explored my mouth, as if trying to make a memory of every part. He swallowed the moans that escaped me and that seemed to give him the okay to be more aggressive. His hands left my sides and traveled down to my legs. He abruptly spread them, making me gasp as his cock met mine, only separated by the basketball shorts we were wearing.

They didn't do much to hide our obviously growing members and I think Matthew enjoyed that fact a little too much. I unconsciously started grinding against him and I could feel him hardening even more.

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