Chapter 28

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Michael's POV:

"Mike, we've got a lead on DiNozzo." Jelani stated as he barged into my office without so much as knocking. I half growled and half moaned as I continued to plow into Matthew. Fuck, he was tight.

"Holy shit man! Give a guy a warning next time." Jelani scrambled as he quickly left the office, slamming the door behind him. Despite all the commotion, Matthew continued to moan as he was bent over the desk. I pulled each of his cheeks apart to watch my cock disappear into his hole.

"Oh, Go-Goddess. Fu-fuck me harder! Please, Mi-Michael" He moaned out as his nails clawed at my desk. I grinned at the sight of the fresh scratch marks as I plowed harder into my mate, complying with his wishes. I made sure that each blow was delivered to his prostate as I gripped his waist to keep him in place.

His moans echoed off my office walls which made me wonder how Jelani couldn't hear us from outside the door. With a couple more thrusts, Matthew was tightening around me and emptying himself on my desk with a long moan. I followed right behind him as I emptied into the condom and sunk my fangs into his mark, refreshing it.

I pulled out of him and disposed of the condom before I tucked myself back into my pants. I sat in my seat after giving Matthew a quick kiss and calling for Jelani through the pack link.

Matthew had already fixed himself and cleaned off the desk, and was now seated as both Toby (who was returning home from school) and Jelani stepped into the office. Despite his chocolate skin, I could see a blush rush to Jelani's face as he looked between Matthew and me. Toby didn't seem to care about the fresh scent of sex that still lingered in the office as he came over to kiss me before he plopped into Matthew's lap, kissing him also. Jelani also took a seat and I waited for him to start speaking.

"You said you had a lead on DiNozzo?" I asked since it seemed like he wasn't going to start the conversation. He's been my best friend since I was in my mother's womb, so he shouldn't be embarrassed about little things like this.

"Oh, yes!" He finally snapped out of his embarrassed state. "Some warriors reported that they smelled rogues and hunters ten counties south, which is why it took so long to locate them. They weren't as close as we thought they were. What I don't understand is how DiNozzo managed to get hunters on his side. Don't they see how deranged he is? They're supposed to be after wolves like him, not us." He finished with a low growl.

I watched as Toby nuzzled into Matthew's neck before addressing Jelani. "DiNozzo mostly gave them a believable lie to get them on his side. You know he was always good at doing that, but he's dumb to think that the hunters won't kill him if we don't kill him first. But I'm not worried about them. I want DiNozzo. He's after Toby, and I'll be damned if he touches a hair on his head." I stated firmly as Toby sent a smile my way.

"So what's the plan?" Matthew asked, causing me to sigh because I knew he wasn't going to like what I had to say next.

"First things first, you're not getting involved." I stated and watched as he tensed before glaring at me.

"What do you mean I'm not getting involved? You don't honestly think that I'm going to sit back and let you go fight alone, right?" He asked instead of cursing at me like I knew he wanted to. Toby did his best to relax Matthew by continuing to nuzzle his neck, but I knew it wasn't helping much. I was telling an Alpha that he couldn't fight, even a mate couldn't keep him back for too long. Despite that, I knew Matthew wouldn't push Toby away from him, that would be a sign of rejection, and Matthew didn't want to do that. So I guess Toby was helping in a sense.

Jelani kept quiet as he glanced between me and Matthew worriedly. I sighed as I rubbed my five o'clock shadow. I needed to shave soon.

"You're not fighting, Matthew. I let you come along the searches but that's it. I'm not risking you getting hurt again. DiNozzo isn't dumb. I'm more than sure that he suspects that you are my mate also and if you show up covered in my scent, he'll know for a fact. With you being so close by, he'll find a way to take you instead of Toby and I'm not going to risk losing anyone of my mates. I want you both in one place so that I know that you guys are safe and I can focus on taking out DiNozzo. There will be no arguments."

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