Chapter 45

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Toby's POV:

"Ma-Matty!" I whimpered.

"Hm?" He answered back, not fully awake yet

"Matty! I-I need you." I mumbled again. Matthew quickly snapped out of his sleeping state and attempted to get out of bed, but I didn't let him budge. I was gripping his arm tightly and one of my legs was thrown over his. He probably thought the pups were coming with the way he tried to jump out of bed.

I would've laughed if I wasn't in so much pleasurable pain. I was rubbing myself against Matty's thigh. My member was hard and leaking through my boxers. Matty turned over to look at me. I didn't know what specific time it was, but I knew that it was early morning since the moon was still out. No one in the pack house was supposed to be awake, but I had other plans.

"P-please!" I begged before burying my face into his chest. He knew exactly what I was begging for. I was still rubbing my covered cock on his leg, wanting to get more friction and pressure. Matty slid his fingers over my bare skin, teasing right above the waistband of my boxers. I snapped my eyes up to meet his pair. His eyes were filled with need and lust, much like my own.

"Matty!" I moaned as he slipped his hand inside my boxers and grabbed my shaft.

"How long have you been up?" He asked as he slowly jerked me off. Freaking tease! It wasn't uncommon for me to be horny at odd hours of the night. When I got like this, Matty and Michael took care of me. I loved them even more for it. I knew that I was a lot to handle at times.

"P-probably five m-minutes." I answered back choppily as he gripped me a little tighter. Matty only nodded before scooting over so that I could lay on my back. He stopped jerking me off so that he could push the covers back and strip me of my boxers. Once that was done, he came up and kissed me. I moaned as I wrapped one arm around his neck to pull him closer. He delved into my mouth without warning, exciting me even more. I could feel my precum leaking on my skin now. This was going to be a mess to clean.

The bed shifted, signaling that Michael had awakened. He moved some more, but I couldn't see what he was doing since I was focused on kissing Matty. I moaned loudly, which Matty swallowed, as Michael's lips unexpectedly wrapped around my tip. I broke our kiss to moan again as he then swallowed me whole.

Matty moaned out beside me, causing me to glance over my bump to see that Michael had slipped his hand into Matty's shorts and was jerking him off. Michael picked up the speed with his hand and mouth, causing Matty and me to release synchronized groans.

I tensed before relaxing as Matty teased my mating mark. Michael hummed around my shaft, causing pleasurable shivers to run through my body. Matty traveled from my mark down to my nipples. He nipped, sucked and teased on one of the hardened buds and used his fingers to play with the other. The pleasure was too much, and I didn't have time to warn Michael before I was emptying down his throat.

"Fuucckk!" I screamed out as my cock throbbed in Michael's warm and wet mouth. He swallowed with no complaints before coming up to kiss Matty. I was stuck panting, trying to catch my breath, as my mates made out sexily beside me. When they were done kissing, Michael turned to me.

"One or both?" He asked.

"Both." I answered firmly. I wanted both of my mates inside me tonight. Michael nodded before facing Matty again.

"Want to prep and top?" Michael questioned. Matty grinned widely as an answer. Michael chuckled before laying down beside me. They both helped me to straddle his hips. Once I was comfortable, Matty placed himself behind me. I leaned forward, as much as my protruding stomach would allow.

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