Chapter 32

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Michael's POV:

"Jelani! It seems like DiNozzo has arrived earlier than schedule." I sent through the pack link, ignoring the message DiNozzo had left behind. I wasn't stupid. Of course I expected something like this to happen. It's DiNozzo we were going for, you always had to think one step ahead.

"I know, Alpha. He lured Toby and Matthew away from the pack's protection using Ozzy as bait." Jelani answered back causing me to curse as my warriors and I raced through the woods. It was going to take no time at all for us to reach the clearing where DiNozzo was, despite the journey to his hideout being so long.

We were just allowing DiNozzo time to get close to the pack house, where he thought I couldn't reach him. To travel ten counties in wolf form would only take a little less than an hour. The reason why we wasted two days on getting to DiNozzo's hideout was so we could get information from the mole we planted in his group. It was hard work for someone to travel back and forth between my group and DiNozzo's and not get caught.

"Make sure you keep him in that clearing, Jelani. What else is happening at the moment?" I ran faster, more than prepared for another bloody fight. My warriors behind me sped up too, more than eager to sink their fangs into more meat.

"You got it, Alpha. I just recovered Ozzy and sent him back to the pack house with Alpha Emery. Some warriors and I are heading in the direction that he came from. I'm more than sure we'll be able to stop DiNozzo before he leaves."

"That is great. I'm probably twenty minutes away now. Do whatever it takes to keep everyone from the pack alive and my mates back in safety."

"Yes, Sir." He answered before he put up his block. The warriors and I continued to travel the much shorter route to the clearing. It wasn't a part of my land. It was too deep in the woods and rogues normally camped out there. I left them alone once they weren't bothering my pack, so it was quite obvious why DiNozzo would choose to lure my mates out there.

Like I promised, I arrived at the clearing twenty minutes later. I didn't bother shifting into human form because I'd only have to shift back. My scent and the warriors that were with me scents were all hidden, so DiNozzo and his people didn't know that we had arrived. I skidded to a halt so that my fighters and I weren't out in the open and evaluated the scene.

Jelani and DiNozzo were talking. They were both in human form standing in front of their respective groups, at a reasonable distance apart. Emery was beside Jelani in wolf form, ready to attack at any given moment.

"You knew! You knew that the Alpha position was mine, Brownie! Mickey stole it from me. I thought he was supposed to be my friend." DiNozzo exclaimed to Jelani. I wanted to growl and attack, but I couldn't give myself away yet. Toby and Matthew's unconscious bodies were surrounded by a couple rogues and a few hunters, a distance away from DiNozzo. I had to think of a way to get them out of here.

"I know, DiNozzo, and that's why I'm here. We're tired of living under Michael's rules. We want you to be our leader. I was trying to tell you the first time you showed up, but you disappeared on us." Jelani replied. I looked across the clearing where my mates were before turning to my warriors.

"We have to take out the people guarding my mates before we can do anything else." I said to them. They nodded in understanding before following behind me through the woods. We made it to the other side of the clearing in no time and without being discovered. Once we were closer, I realized that my mole was one of the wolves guarding Toby and Matthew.

"That's bullshit! You would never turn on Mickey. You always loved him as your best friend more than me." DiNozzo caught my attention once again. I couldn't wait to tear his throat out.

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