Chapter 43

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Toby's POV:

I don't know why I was so nervous about telling Ozzy that he wasn't going to be the baby anymore. I mean, he's my first pup, and the news would either make him happy or upset him tremendously. I was hoping for the first option.

"Wh-what is it, Mo-Mommy?" He asked when I didn't make a move to say anything else. He placed a comforting hand on me knee, which shocked me a bit. Normally, you'd get a gesture like this from adults, not little pups. That made me realize that Ozzy was more mature than I always gave him credit for, and whether he liked the news or not, he wouldn't be rude about it. I placed my hand over Ozzy's and gave it a squeeze.

"There's going to be four additions to our family. You're going to be a big brother." I mumbled before I could punk out. Ozzy didn't say a word at first. In fact, when I looked at his face, there was a small frown on it. He took his hand from under mine and placed it in his lap. My happy mood diminished and was replaced with worry. He wasn't happy about the babies.

"You ha-having four ba-babies?" I nodded.

"Like Ze-Zem Zem and Hay-Hayden?" I nodded once again. I was finally able to release the breath that I didn't realize I was holding when a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Ca-can I see?" He asked excitedly.

"Sure." I pulled up my shirt to show Ozzy my baby bump. He gasped and slapped his hands against his cheeks. Michael, Matthew and I laughed as Ozzy looked at my stomach in wonder.

"Can I to-touch, Mo-Mommy?"

"Go ahead, Cookie."

Ozzy tentatively placed his hand on my tummy. He rubbed it before smiling up at me.

"My sib-siblings?" He questioned. I applauded him for using a big word before nodding.

"Yes. Are you excited?" Matthew asked. Ozzy turned to his dad and nodded.

"I l-like ba-babies." He smiled before kissing my stomach.

"I'm go-going to be th-the best bi-big br-brother ever." Ozzy promised to himself. I blame my hormones, because suddenly, I was crying. Ozzy was just so cute!

"Ca-can I go pl-play now, Mo-Mommy?" I quickly wiped away the happy tears before grinning at my pup.

"Sure you can. Remember to come up for lunch." Ozzy nodded before waving bye to all of us. He quickly ran back out the door to meet his friends. I dropped my shirt before standing up to put my PB back in the fridge.

"That went easier than I expected." Matthew stated from Michael's lap. I agreed with him as I put the PB away. I then turned to pick up the pictures off of the counter and looked at the babies one more time before going to my room. Once in the room, I put the pictures away and stripped from my clothes. After grabbing a clean towel and washcloth, I entered the bathroom, placed them on the counter, and filled the tub with warm water. A soak sounds extremely good right about now.

I dropped in one of my favorite bath bombs and waited before it all dissolved in the water. The scent of lavender and chamomile immediately filled the bathroom. I got into the warm water and sank down in the tub until only my head wasn't submerged in water. I laid back and enjoyed the feel and smell of the bath.

I made sure to rest my hand on my stomach before closing my eyes. In less than five minutes, I was asleep.


"Toby. Toby, baby. Callisto." Michael shook me awake. I slapped his hand away and turned in the bed so that I could sleep some more. Wait. When did I get in bed?

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