Chapter 47

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Matthew's POV:

I was being impatient. I mean, who wouldn't be when they had yet to see their pups. Five. We had five beautiful pups. Three girls and two boys. That was six in total, including Ozzy. How would we manage? I looked to Toby who was smiling widely at his family on the other end of the laptop screen. Michael was at his side, running his fingers through Toby's hair. We would manage, as long as we were together.

"The laptop is about to die guys and it doesn't seem like either of my mates are going to leave and get the charger for it." Toby joked as the laptop signaled that there was only five percent of battery left. Everyone on the other side laugh as Michael and I only grumbled.

"Okay. We'll call back later. We have to make plans on what's the next move." Summer replied before the Skype call ended and the laptop died off. Toby turned to me with a tired smile as Michael continued to play with his hair.

"Come on guys, we still have yet to come up with names. We already have baby number five's name. It is Mireya Oralie Hamish. One down, four more to go." Toby urged.

"I like the name Tristian Myles Hamish." Michael suggested. Toby tried the name on his tongue.

"I like it too." He smiled before they both looked at me.

"That can be our first pup's name." I told them, causing their smiles to blossom.

"Okay. Two down, three to go. It's obvious that the girls, minus Mireya, were made from the same eggs. Does that make them twins?"

I chuckled at Toby's question. "They're not necessarily twins, however, they are monozygotic." I answered his question, causing him to nod his head.

"Thinking of giving them identical names?" Michael asked us both. Toby nodded rapidly, making Michael and me laugh.

"How about Hailey and Harper for their middle names?" I tried.

"And Savannah and Sienna for their first names?" Michael added in. Toby thought over the names, deciding on a perfect combination. He grinned when he was done thinking.

"Savannah Harper Hamish and Hailey Sienna Hamish." They were perfect.

"They're perfect." Michael grinned, unknowingly voicing my thoughts.

"Time for the last name. Our last baby boy." Toby mumbled excitedly. "We are definitely using Oliver, Olly for short."

"Oliver Samuel Hamish." Michael suggested, causing me to frown.

"Hey! I was going to say that." I whined jokingly. I teasingly stuck my tongue out at him as Toby laughed at the both of us.

"Oliver Samuel Hamish." He tried the name. "I love it." He then said with a smile. Just as he was going to add something else to the conversation, there was a gentle knock at the door, causing Toby to tense up. I could feel his emotions racing through our bond. He was nervous, yet excited. I didn't blame him. Michael and I were feeling the exact same way. Except, I was on the verge of puking.

"C-come in." Toby answered quietly, but I knew that the nurses on the other side of the door would hear him. Almost immediately, the door was pushed open, and five different nurses were rolling in five different incubators. They each rolled the beds so that they were close enough to Michael, Toby, and I.

"Alphas/Dads, would you like to get rid of your shirts? As much skin to skin contact as possible is suggested." One nurse suggested. Michael and I had long since discarded our scrubs and decided to stay in our jeans and shirt from the airport, but when the nurse suggested that we take our shirts off, they were gone in no time.

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