Chapter 2

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.:Author's Note:.

Terrance at the top.


Toby's POV:

It was nice not waking up to a hefty blow to my body for once. Instead, I was greeted by bright rays of sunshine seeping through the curtains. I was a morning person, on days like this anyways. Checking the time on my phone, I noticed that it was only eight o'clock. I hurriedly got out of bed and threw the curtains open. I then opened the window and welcomed in the fresh morning air.

Boy look at me in my face,

Tell me that you're not just about this bass.

You really think I could be replaced?

Nah, I come from outer space.

"Good morning, Mommy!" I answered my phone happily without having to check the caller I.D.

"Good morning, Cupcake. I knew that you'd be awake by now." Replied Mommy in her soothing tone. I loved the sound of my mother's voice.

"I actually just woke up. I'm thinking of taking a swim soon."

"Oh, well I got up an hour ago. I can't really sleep in. You know that. How is everyone?"

"They're good. Em found her mate last night. You'd never guess who it is." I responded cheerfully as I sat in the bay window.

"Who is it?"

"Come on, guess."

"Why would I guess if you just said that I'd never guess who it was?"

"Well played, Mommy. It's Cyn. Can you believe it?! Cyn has an Alpha mate. She's gonna be a Luna one day." I was really happy for my best friend. Having a mate made you feel like you were always on cloud nine. Well, at least that's how Daddy used to describe it.

"Aww! Tell Em I said 'congratulations.' We should have a little celebration for her when you guys get back."

"Okay, I will. I think she'd love a small celebration. Now, I'm gonna take that swim I mentioned before."

"Alright. Alright. I know when I'm not wanted." She joked. "We can talk later. If we don't get to, then I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Okay, bye. I love you!"

"I love you too, Cupcake."

We hung up before I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and empty my bladder. There was no need for a shower since I was going to be in the pool. I grabbed a fresh towel and headed to the basement. I guess I wasn't the only one in need of an early morning swim because when I got to the basement, Cyn was just finishing a lap.

"Good morning, Gumdrop." I said as I closed the poolroom's door.

"Morning, Cupcake." She replied as she sat at the pool edge with her feet remaining in the water.

I placed my towel on an empty chair and went to sit next to her. Now was a good a time as any to tell her about my plans for my birthday. However, I had to ease into the situation as best as I could.

"So ... How's life going, Ms. Soon To Be Luna?" I tried. Cyn giggled at me.

"Seriously, Cupcake? You have something to tell me. Spill it." She said as she knocked her shoulder against mine. I sighed, knowing that Cyn has always been good at reading me.

"I'm leaving on my birthday." I whispered.

"I'm not a werewolf, Toby. I don't have heightened hearing like you guys. You're gonna have to be louder than that." She chuckled, causing me to clear my throat and try again.

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