Chapter 33

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Matthew's POV:

I twisted and turned in bed, trying to get comfortable. Moving to lay on my side, I pulled Toby closer to my chest. Once he was basically buried under me, I became a little more comfortable. However, there was something missing. No, there was someone missing.

I could feel Michael's presence in the room, but his aura was stronger and he wasn't in bed with Toby and me. I frowned before attempting to crack my eyes open, but they wouldn't budge. They felt way too heavy to be moved. What the fuck happened to me?

The unstated question was then followed by a rush of memories. Hospital scents also drifted up my nose, causing it to burn slightly.

"Come on, baby. Open those eyes for me." Michael, well Ezekiel, encouraged.

"I can't." I wanted to tell him, but my mouth felt dry and my tongue felt heavy.

"Yes, you can." Michael's voice drifted into my head instead of Ezekiel's.

"Michael! Why is Ezekiel out?" I asked, causing Michael to sigh.

"He took control before I could stop him. We've been sitting here watching you and Toby for six hours now." He answered tiredly. I attempted to open my eyes again, but my eyelids felt like they were glued shut.

"What did DiNozzo's idiots shoot us with?"

"Tranquilizer fluid mixed with a drop of wolfsbane." Ezekiel stated angrily. "If the fucker wasn't dead already, I would kill him all over again." He continued. I wanted to gasp in shock at the mention of DiNozzo being dead, but my lips felt like they were stuck together. I can't believe I missed it.

Ezekiel chuckled. "Why would you want to see us kill him?"

"I wanted you guys to torture him. I would've loved to see that. First, he threatened Toby, then he put me in the hospital, he had the nerve to take Ozzy, and now Toby and I are back in the hospital. The fucker deserves more than just torture."

"Whoa! Mind you blow a fuse, babe." Michael joked, making me calm down slightly. I could hear when the heart monitor sped up before returning to normal speed.

"Shut up!" I mumbled back before feeling tired once again.

"I-I think I'm going to take a nap, guys. I'm feeling weary all of a sudden." I told Michael and Ezekiel before succumbing to the pull of sleep, not bothering to wait for a response.


The next time I awakened, I could actually feel my eyes and mouth to open and move them. I was grateful for that because the sight that greeted me, when I opened my eyes, had my cock stiffening under the lousy infirmary sheets.

Toby was in Michael's lap, rubbing his plump ass on Michael's hardened cock. They were in the middle of a heavy make-out session with only a pair of Toby's boxers keeping Michael's cock from being inside him. I made no sound as I moved the sheets to the side so that I could put my hand into my boxers and stimulate my member. I watched as Toby broke away from the kiss before smirking. I had a perfect view of the both of them.

"Matthew is watching." He mumbled against Michael's lips, loud enough for me to hear it. They are being so sexy right now.

"How bout we give him a show, love?" Ezekiel teased. I guess Michael never gained back control.

Toby only gave a curt nod before his boxer were shredded off of him. Ezekiel stuck two fingers into Toby's mouth before using the other hand to rub his tip against Toby's star shaped entrance. I wasn't even the one being teased, but I growled lowly in my throat like I was. I jerked my cock some more as Ezekiel took his fingers out of Toby's mouth before slowly slipping one into his twitching entrance. I watched, enthralled, as Toby's greedy ass sucked in the single digit before he begged for me.

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