Chapter 30

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Toby's POV:

"Matty! Come sit with me. If you keep pacing like that, you'll make a hole in the floor." My overly worried mate stopped pacing to glance at me, before he began pacing again, completely ignoring my request. I sighed as I continued to watch him like I've been doing since Michael left.

"Why hasn't he contacted us yet? Did something happen? I mean he'd always contact us during this time." Matty mumbled to himself. It's been a day and a half since Michael had left to go for DiNozzo. When he wasn't busy, or decided that it was time for him and his warriors to take a rest, he'd talk to Matty and me through our mating link.

Unfortunately, Michael hasn't contacted us since last night, and it was already nearing three in the afternoon. Matthew was more than a little worried.

I was feeling the exact same way, but one of us had to keep sane at the moment.

"I mean the least he could do is drop his walls so that we could contact him. But no, he wants to have his block up and leave his mates with no clue as to what is going on."

And that apparently wasn't going to be Matthew.

"C'mon, Matty, think rationally. Don't you think if something happened to him, we'd be able to feel it?" I asked. Matty stopped pacing once again to look at me. He sighed tiredly before dragging his hand down his face.

"You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry, Toby. I'm not being a very helpful mate at the moment, am I?" I smiled as Matty made his way over to me on the bed. My back was against the headboard and my legs stretched out on the bed, allowing him to rest his head on my lap. I combed my fingers through his hair as the room filled with silence.

We weren't really in the mood to watch TV, or do anything else for that matter. Matthew's eyes, thankfully, began to close tiredly. He hasn't slept since Michael left. He was damaging his body and when Michael returns, he was going to be more upset about that than anything. Before I knew it, Matty was out like a light. I used my finger to smooth out the worry lines on his forehead and around his mouth. Once he looked peaceful enough I gently took his head from my lap and placed it on the bed. I was prepared to move to let him rest, but before I could get up, he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist.

"Stay." He mumbled tiredly and then buried me slightly under him. Looks like I wasn't going anywhere.

"Sleep." I answered back, and then he was snoring. I chuckled lowly as I made myself comfortable. I wasn't getting much sleep either, so a nap sounded wonderful right about now.


"Mo-Mommy! Let's pl-play!" Ozzy jumped up and down on the bed an hour later.

"Ozzy, we're trying to sleep." Matthew answered since I couldn't feel my tongue at the moment.

"Bu-but Ozzy mis-misses you." Ozzy replied back dejectedly. That immediately snapped me out of my tired state. He was my pup, and I wasn't paying him much attention. I pushed Matthew to the side and scooped Ozzy into my arms.

"I'm sorry, Cookie. I haven't been spending much time with you, have I?" Ozzy shook his head no, causing me to deflate in disappointment, at myself of course.

"How about I make it up to you now?"

"Y-yes!" He exclaimed, and then he was running out of the room. I laughed as I watched him leave before turning to Matty. He was already looking at me causing a blush to rise up my face.

"What?" I asked him embarrassingly.

"Nothing. C'mon, we have a pup to attend to." He replied just as Ozzy poked his head into the doorway.

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