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Five Years Later

Toby's POV:

"Mireya, I mean it young lady! Get back here and clean up your mess."

"No! I don't wanna, Mommy."

I growled as I stomped towards the living room where my unruly pup was residing. Out of all the quintuplets, she gave the most trouble. Before I could get to the living room, however, Oliver blocked my path.

"It is okay, Mommy. I'll clean up the paint." He told me as he hugged my legs. I sighed as I rubbed his head in appreciation.

"No, Olly. Thank you very much, but Reya is just as mature as you are and should be cleaning up her own mess. You can go take a cookie from the cookie jar and watch some TV." I negotiated with him. Oliver has always been the most helpful. No matter what the situation was, Olly was always ready to lend a helping hand.

"Are you sure, Mommy? I really don't mind." He replied as he looked up at me. I smiled at him before squatting down so that we were eye level.

"Yes, I'm sure, pup. You deserve that cookie."

Olly grinned before kissing my forehead then racing to the kitchen. I stood back up, heading to the living room to get Mireya, but once again, a pup blocked my path. Actually, two pups blocked my path.

"Do we get a cookie, Mommy?" Savannah and Hailey asked cutely as they swayed on their heels. They were both wearing bright green dresses with a bow in their hair. However, while Hailey's hair was up in a ponytail, Savannah's hair was styled in a bun.

"Did you put away your toys?" I asked as I crossed my arms in front of me. They looked at each other before shaking their heads no.

"Well then, you both can't get a cookie yet. You'll get one after your toys are put away. Understood?" I negotiated. Once again, they shared eye contact before grinning.

"Okay, Mommy. We'll put away our toys." They said simultaneously before running upstairs to their shared room. Once they were out of sight, I continued walking towards the living room, but my journey was interrupted yet again.

I watched Tristian as he tried to sneak into the house from the backyard. He was covered in dirt, most likely from wrestling around with his dad. My suspicion was proven correct when I caught Matthew trying to sneak in behind him. I cleared my throat, catching both of their attentions. They looked at me sheepishly as I raised an eyebrow at them.

"And where do you two think you're going?" I asked them both.

"Um, back outside to wash off?" Tristian answered with a question. I smirked before nodding my head and pointing outside, soundlessly telling them to retrace their steps.

"You don't just do as your mother tells you." I could hear Matty grumble to Tristian, causing me to laugh.

"Oh yes, you do." I mind linked to him, causing him to hurriedly pull Tristian back outside.

With no more interruptions, I was able to make it to the living room to find Mireya playing on my tablet. I frowned before taking it away from her, causing her to look at me with a frown of her own.

"I told you to go clean up your mess, Reya." I said seriously as I turned the tablet off. She only crossed her arms and continued to frown at me.

"Wipe that frown off of your face and go pick up your paints upstairs. Now!"

"No. I already told you that I don't wanna, Mommy."

Without thinking about it, I growled threateningly at my pup.

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