Chapter 21

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Matthew's POV:

It's been almost a month since Michael, Toby and I started going to relationship counseling. I was happy to say that we were actually making a lot of progress since the first day. Every day we returned, Dr. Hayworth had us working on different sections for making a relationship work for the three of us. First, it was communication, then trust, time, respect, self-awareness, encouragement, forgiveness, and the list went on.

Toby hasn't downright forgiven me yet, but I remembered Dr. Hayworth saying that I just had to give him time, which I am. It also helped that he trusted me enough to hug and touch him now. He no longer flinches away from me and I am happier about that than anything in the world. I haven't kissed either of them, but that would come over time.

I've also started wooing them. Taking them on dates, spending time with them, getting to know the family officially. I was even introduced to Jeremy and Ozzy. It came as a surprise when I became aware of the fact that Jeremy was the one to suggest therapy. I guess I judged him too soon in the diner.

I still obtained help from Cynthia to get and stay on my mates' good sides. Right now I was going to do the unexpected. I was giving Toby a pet. Michael and Toby were currently at a deserted park with Ozzy and the rest of the family. I guess this was a private park for family purposes. The baby animal was in a little wagon, comforted in pillows and blankets, at my side. I was pulling the wagon towards the group and smiled when Ozzy raced over to hug my leg.

"Hey, Buddy." I greeted him.

"Hi, Mat-Matty." He said back. It was kind of sad that I wasn't considered "Daddy" yet, but that was okay. Much like a kiss, it would happen over time. Ozzy separated from me and looked confusedly and the little wagon I was pulling.

"Wha-what's that?" He asked and I glanced down to see that Toby's pet was completely covered.

"It's a gift for your Mommy." I told him, loud enough for the others to hear. They stopped what they were doing and walked over to me. I gave Michael and Toby a hug while waving to the rest of the family. Toby looked at me, then at the wagon, and then back at me.

"What is it?" He asked cutely and I had to stop myself from pulling him into my arms again.

"Pull back the blanket and find out." I told him smugly. He raised an eyebrow at me and kneeled in front of the wagon. He took a deep sniff of the lump under the blanket and his eyes bulged out when he figured out what it was.

"You didn't!" He stated happily.

"I did." I replied and Toby slowly peeled back the blankets. There in the wagon was a baby elephant. Elephants were Toby's favorite animal so I thought, why not get him one of his own? You don't understand the lengths I went through in order to get him. He was the smallest breed of elephants and wouldn't grow to be more than two and a half meters. That's only like two feet taller than Michael and me.

The elephant was laying there, sleeping comfortably. Toby slowly rubbed the elephant and looked at it the same way he looked at Ozzy, meaning that was his baby now.

"Matthew, how'd you get a fucking elephant?" Questioned Michael causing me to chuckle.

"It doesn't matter how. He's a rescue. I know you guys can't really keep an elephant in the pack house, so I got him his own sanctuary. It's close by and you can visit him and take him out anytime you want. He's a baby right now, but he'll only grow to eight feet when he matures. I know -"

I was tackled into a hug before I could finish talking. Toby gave me the tightest hug ever and I ignored the fact that I couldn't breathe because my mate was actually touching me at his own will.

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