Chapter 42

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Toby's POV:

"MICHAEL! MATTHEW! GET IN HERE!" They were in for so much sugar, honey, iced, tea. It's been six weeks since we've returned from Virginia, and everything has been running smoothly. I did get a confirmation that I was indeed pregnant this time. However, I didn't get an ultrasound. A simple pregnancy test was all that I needed.

I was currently pacing in front of my room mirror. My shirt was lifted and I was staring with worry at my unusually sized baby bump. I was too big for only two months with one child. At the sound of my scream, Matthew and Michael ran into our room. They looked around for any danger before setting their worried gaze on me.

"What the fuck, Toby?!" Matthew asked breathlessly.

"Don't 'what the fuck, Toby,' me. Look at this! I'm huge." I cried as I pointed to my stomach. Michael came over to wrap his arms around me, but I didn't want his stupid hug. I wanted to know why I was inflating like a fucking balloon!

"Okay, okay. Let's visit the pack doctor. He'll tell us why your stomach is so large." Michael negotiated once he realized that I wasn't going to accept his act of affection. I nodded before dropping my shirt and heading out of the room. Matthew and Michael walked behind me as I marched to the infirmary.

"Toby baby, you're scaring the pack members." Matthew mumbled into my ear. I stopped my marching to see that pack members were literally scattering out of my way. I frowned as I looked to them in apology.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to seem like a raging bull." I joked, causing them to relax and continue with their business. I began walking again, more calmly this time, towards the infirmary. When we arrived, we were greeted by Dr. L. right away.

"Oh! Alphas, Luna, what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked politely. I smiled at him, not wanting to be the raging bull that I was earlier.

"Toby here thinks his stomach is too big." Michael answered. Dr. L. took a look at my stomach before nodding.

"Ready for that ultrasound?" He teased. I giggled before nodding. Dr. L. turned to lead us towards an unoccupied room. He made me lay down on a bed before setting up everything for an ultrasound. I took off my shirt and handed it to Matthew while Michael squirted the cold gel on my stomach. Dr. L. turned on the ultrasound machine and grabbed the wand before taking a seat. I giggled as he used the wand to smear the gel all over my stomach. Michael and Matthew each held one of my hand as we all looked at the screen. After some time, the sound of multiple heartbeats filled the room, and Dr. L. made a sound. "Hm."

"Hm? What do you mean 'hm?'" I questioned worriedly. Dr. L. only turned to me with a smile.

"It's nothing terrible Luna, I just figured out why you're larger than normal." He replied.

"Well, what's the reason?" Matthew asked impatiently, causing me to smack his arm.

"Don't be so rude." I warned.

"It's quite alright, Luna. I was prolonging the news. Congratulations, you're having quadruplets."

My breath hitched. Matthew's breath hitched. Heck, even Michael's breath hitched. Quadruplets?!

"Qua-quadruplets?" Matthew stuttered before passing out. He fell in a heap on the floor, releasing my hand in the process. In any other situation, I would have laughed, but not right now because I couldn't breathe. I'm having quadruplets. QUADRUPLETS!

Twins, I understood. My family was filled with twins. But, quadruplets?! The word was foreign in my mind.

"Luna? Luna! You need to breathe. Not only are you cutting off your air supply, you're also cutting off your babies'"

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