Chapter 40

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Matthew's POV:

"Ozzy and Toby are asleep?" Summer asked as she handed me a plate of rabbit. I thanked her before nodding to her question.

"Yup. Out like a light." I said before biting into the meat. She nodded her head also before going back to hand out the rest of the food. I watched and ate my food as Michael gobbled down his meat. I grinned to myself as my mate ate like a hungry caveman. Rabbit was his favorite thing to eat, well, besides me and Toby.

"You do know that I can hear everything you're thinking, right?" Michael's voice sounded in my head. He wasn't looking at me, but there was now a smirk on his face, despite him eating his food.

"It wasn't meant to be a secret." I teased as I finished eating. Michael had finished also, and decided to drive for a while so that Nicholas could eat. Nicholas was the designated driver for the day. The RV parked for a few seconds so that Michael and Nicholas could switch places. Once they were both seated, the RV was in movement once again. Wynter quickly handed her husband a plate of food and pecked his cheek before returning to her baby, Hayden.

Michael chuckled in my head before changing the subject.

"There's a possibility that Toby is having our pup!" He exclaimed. I couldn't see his face anymore, but I was more than sure that there was a huge smile on it.

"What are you cheesing so hard for?" Nicholas questioned Michael, confirming my suspicion. I didn't blame Michael for smiling so hard, I was more than sure that there was a giddy smile on my face also. I mean, our mate could be pregnant with our pup. What could be better than that?

"I know! Can you believe it?" I finally replied once he was done addressing Nicholas.

"Yes, I can. Just to think, we'll have another little pup running around. I hope Ozzy will be happy about the new addition. He won't be the baby anymore." He finished worriedly. I've become a little worried also. Ozzy was as much of our pup as well as the one that is possibly growing inside Toby. I didn't want him to be upset about us extending the family.

"We'll just break it down for him. We'll never know until we try. Maybe he'll take the news well." I tried.

"You're probably right. I'm probably worried about nothing. I just can't wait to get home and get the doctor to tell us that Toby actually is pregnant this time."

"Me too. Don't want a repeat of last time..."

From there, the conversation changed again. We talked about whatever came to mind. At first, it looked weird to everyone else when Michael or I would unexpectedly laugh out loud, but in an instant, they figured out that we were mind linking each other.

Forty-five minutes later, Ozzy came out of the back room. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he walked over to my father. It was no secret that my dad loves pups. When I was younger, he'd find as much time as possible to spend playing with me. I smiled as my dad picked up Ozzy and nuzzled his neck. Ozzy grinned at his grandfather before accepting the plate of food from Summer.

The RV was large enough to have four backrooms. Toby and Ozzy took the first one. Casey, Darius, and Zemora resided in another. Surprisingly, Avery, Terrance, and Addy occupied one also. Lastly, Emery, Hayden, and Cynthia took the last one. Summer, Wynter, Nicholas, Michael, me, my dad, and now Ozzy were the only ones awake at the moment. Nicholas was driving once again while Michael sat in the passenger's seat.

Seconds later, Toby came out of his room, rubbing his eyes also. He stopped by the fridge and took out an almost empty jug of lemonade. He decided to drink straight from the jug since it was basically finished. Once that was done, he threw the empty jug into the garbage before coming over to sit in my lap.

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