Chapter 29

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Michael's POV:

"I love you both. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it." I told both Matty and Toby who were seeing me off on the hunt for DiNozzo. Behind them, warriors bustled about, saying goodbye to their mates also. Toby held onto Ozzy and sobbed lightly as Matty glared at me, seemingly still upset about not being able to come along.

I pulled the three of them into my chest and tightened my arms around them. I didn't know what would happen during the fight, but I was preparing for the worst. Another reason I didn't bring Matthew along was just in case something happened to me, I wanted to make sure Toby still had at least one of his mates by his side. He didn't deserve to ever be alone.

I kissed Matthew's and Toby's foreheads as they both put their arms around my waist. It was a tight squeeze, but this could probably be the last time I ever see them, so I embraced it. I inhaled their scents one more time before releasing them. Toby set Ozzy down, and the little pup rushed to me and ordered to be picked up. I chuckled as I picked him up and threw him in the air, before catching him. He laughed uncontrollably before settling and nuzzling my neck. I inhaled his scent also, making sure the memory of it was saved. He's my first pup after all.

"Now, Ozzy. I want you to protect your Mommy and Daddy. If something happens to me, I want you to be a brave boy for them." I whispered into his ear. I didn't want Toby or Matthew to hear what I was saying because it would only scare them. Ozzy pulled away from nuzzling at my neck to gaze at me with a look I can only describe as confusion and worry.

"Papa. Y-you no c-come back?" He whispered back with slight tears coming to his eyes. I rubbed my nose against his before pecking his forehead.

"I hope I do, Oz, but if I don't, will you promise to take care of Mommy and Daddy for me?" I continued to whisper as I glanced over Ozzy's shoulder. Matthew was pacing as Toby watched him. Every few seconds or so, they would both glance at me before going back to what they were doing. Their thoughts scrambled in my head as I tried to focus on Ozzy.

"I pr-promise Papa. I-I'll be a b-big b-boy." He answered back, causing me to smile.

"That's my pup. Now, you also have to promise that you won't tell them about this conversation we just had either." I stated, causing him to nod his head rapidly. He promised before hugging me once again. I set him down after a few minutes and sent him over to play with the other pups.

I walked over and took Matty into my arms, successfully stopping his pacing. He grumbled before settling and rubbing his face into my chest.

'"You know that I just want to keep you safe, right?" I muttered as I buried my face into his hair. Despite the question coming out mumbled, I knew he understood me clearly. Matty sighed before nodding his head.

"Yes, I know. I just can't help but feel useless. I wanted to dedicate my life to fighting for you and Toby, and the second time there's an actual fight, I can't be a part of it." He answered.

"You don't have to physically fight for us anymore, Matty. Unfortunately, you've managed to worm your way into our hearts and it doesn't look like you're leaving anytime soon." I teased, causing him to release a watery chuckle. My brows furrowed as I stepped back from our embrace to lift his chin up and see that he was crying. My gaze softened as I gently wiped away his tears before kissing his lips softly and longingly.

"I'll come back." I tried to convince him, even though my thoughts were the complete opposite. Matty only nodded before hugging me one more time before Toby rushed over to me. He clung to me like a koala as soon as he was in my embrace, causing Matty and me to chuckle.

"I changed my mind. I don't think you should go out for DiNozzo. Maybe it's better if you stay home and forget about the fight. Hire an assassin to kill him or something." He rushed out nervously. I smiled down at my worried mate. He looked up at me with wide eyes that were filled with pure anxiety.

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