Chapter 44

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Michael's POV:

I laid in bed as I watched Toby struggle to put on a pair of jeans that he had just bought two weeks ago. I didn't want to say it out loud, but there was no way they were going to fit now. Toby was currently eighteen weeks pregnant (a little more than four months) and currently sporting a beautifully large baby bump. There was a little more than two months left for his pregnancy and it seemed like they were going to be the hardest to go through.

Toby continued to struggle, trying to get the jeans past his thighs. However, they weren't budging. He took in a deep breath before releasing it and taking off the jeans. He threw them angrily into the far corner of the room before taking a seat on the bed. I hurriedly got from under the covers to comfort my mate who suddenly burst into tears.

"Don't cry, Callisto. We can always get new jeans." I comforted him. Unlike the last few times, my words didn't seem to work. In fact, they only made him cry harder.

"I'm fat, Bubby! Like a freaking whale! Fuck, I can't do this."

"You're not fat, you're pregnant. There's a difference. Plus you're not carrying one, Callisto. You have four pups growing inside you."

Toby completely ignored my words.

"I don't even know how you and Matthew can still love me when I look like this." He sobbed harder. At that moment, Matty walked in with a plate of food for Toby. He took a look at the scene before placing the deer and apples on the side table. Toby didn't seem to care that there was now food in the room. He only continued to cry. Matty came over to kneel in front of Toby and I before raising a questionable eyebrow at me.

"Toby thinks he looks like a whale and is questioning our feelings for him." I answered through mind link. Matty only nodded before raising Toby's chin with a finger. A small smile came to his face as he delicately wiped away Toby's tears. He sniffled as Matty cleaned his face.

"Want to hear a joke?" Matty asked, causing Toby to frown before giving him a small nod.

"Okay. Why didn't the toilet paper cross the road?" He questioned. Toby thought it over before shrugging his shoulders.

"It got stuck in a crack." Matty answered the question, causing Toby to giggle. It was a horrible joke, but it did its job in bettering Toby's mood.

"There we go. There's that smile that we love so much." Matthew pointed out. Toby's eyes welled up with tears again, but they weren't tears of sorrow this time. He was smiling as the tears ran down his cheeks.

"I don't want you to question our feelings for you, Toby. We love you, and we'll continue to love you whether you're slim, thick, tall, short, young or old. You could lose all your hair and teeth tomorrow, and we'll still think that you are the sexiest person in the world."

"And the fact that you're carrying our pups doesn't make you any less lovable. In fact, it makes us love you even more, Callisto. We'll always love you. Don't question that."

Toby's tears continued to fall as he pulled me and Matthew in for a hug. We couldn't get extremely close due to his bump, but it was still a sweet embrace.

"I love you both too." He mumbled despite his tears. Matthew kissed Toby's bump before standing. He then kissed Toby's forehead before heading for the plate of food.

"How about breakfast?" He asked teasingly as he brought the plate over. Toby took the plate with no problem.


"Michael baby, you know that I love you, right?" Toby asked sweetly as he entered my office. I mentally prepared myself for the verbal assault I was going to get. What did I do now?

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