Chapter 38

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Toby's POV:

"Oscar Timothy Hamish! Get your butt here right now." I called out with a warning tone. I only got two giggles in reply as Addilyn and Ozzy continued to hide from me. Of course I knew where they were (under the kitchen sink) but they didn't need to know. I made sure to stomp my feet around the kitchen as I "searched" for them. Ozzy and Addy tried to contain their giggling, but it was hard for them.

I made a fake sigh. "It seems like I can't find them." I murmured sadly and faked a sob. "Now who am I going to share this ice cream with?"

The giggling stopped immediately. I smirked before walking out of the kitchen. I didn't go far, just stood around the corner. Seconds later, two pairs of footsteps were coming in my direction. I laughed as I grabbed Ozzy and Addy before they could run past me. Ozzy looked at me in shock.

"Y-you tr-tricked me, Mo-Mommy!"

"That wasn't fair." Addilyn pouted. I chuckled before kissing both of their foreheads. I stood up and outstretched my hands for each of them to take. They did, and together, we exited the pack house. Everyone was waiting outside for us so that we could head back over to the Crimson Moon pack. By everyone, I meant Michael, Matthew, Avery, and Mommy. Em wanted Cyn to stay off of her feet while Darius and Casey stayed home with Zemora. Cyn gave a pretty good fight, but you couldn't stop an Alpha from protecting their mate and pups, so in the end, she lost.

"I found them." I said as I put Ozzy and Addy in the car. Once that was done, I went to sit in the passenger's seat while Michael drove. Matthew and Mommy sat in the middle while Ozzy, Addy, and Avery sat in the back.

After our talk, Avery thought that it was finally time to give my brother a chance. I wasn't sure what Mommy was thinking, but she decided that she wanted to tag along, and I wasn't going to stop her. The drive to my old pack house was done in a comfortable silence with the radio playing. Before I knew it, we had arrived.

Matthew Sr. and Terrance were already waiting outside for us. I saw when Terrance tensed as he caught sight of Mommy. Then, I think he completely stopped breathing when Avery and Addy came out of the car. However, he didn't address Avery first.


"Hello, Terrance." Mommy answered back blankly. There was literally no emotion in her tone which caused Terrance to flinch slightly and frown. You could cut the sudden tension with a knife. Luckily, Addy and Ozzy broke it.

"Hi! I'm Addilyn, but everyone calls me Addy. This is my boyfriend, Ozzy."

"WHAT?!" Avery and I shouted at the same time.

"Why are you shouting, Mommy?" Addy asked Avery with a frown on her face.

"Mommy? She's your pup?" Terrance questioned. There was no malice or disgust in his tone, just shock, and curiosity. Avery blushed as he nodded. An emotion crossed Ter's face, but it was gone before I could register it.

"You both are not in a relationship." I added in, wanting to stop the tension from sweeping back in. "You guys are just too young."

Ozzy shook his head in disagreement. "I-I like h-her Mo-Mommy."

"Mommy? Is this my grandpup?" Matthew Sr. asked happily. I decided not to address Ozzy's comment and answered Matthew Sr. instead. I nodded, causing him to squeal. We all looked at the tough Alpha who was cooing after his grandpup in shock.

"What?" He asked. "Can't a guy be excited to meet his grandchild?" We all laughed as Matthew Sr. picked Ozzy up and turned to head inside. Addy, surprisingly, tugged on Terrance's pants leg so that she could be picked up also. He looked at Avery for permission, and when Avery only nodded, Terrance happily scooped the little girl up in his arms. He also turned to head inside, not sparing any attention to anyone else but Addy.

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