Chapter 34

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.:Author's Note:.

Jelani at the top.


Toby's POV:

"Mo-Mommy!" I fell to my knees and opened my arms just in time for Ozzy to crash into my chest. A purr like sound made its way past my lips as I rubbed my scent all over him. Ozzy held onto me tightly as he unconsciously inhaled my scent. I didn't know that I was crying until Ozzy pulled back from me and wiped his hands against my cheek.

"Wh-why you cr-cryig, Mo-Mommy?" He asked. I chuckled lightly as I wiped away the tears running down his cheeks also.

"They're happy tears, Ozzy. I'm just so happy to see you." I told him as I pulled him back into my chest and kissed the top of his head. I stood up with him in my arms as I turned to the rest of my family.

It only took a small smile from me for Ozzy and me to be pulled into a group hug. Mommy, Cyn, and Casey were shedding tears with Ozzy and me. I took a deep breath, inhaling the mixed scent of my family, before pausing when a specific smell drifted up my nose. I squirmed a little, silently telling them that we could break from the hug. Once they were detached, I turned to Cyn with a giddy smile on my face. She looked at me, first in questioning and then realization.

"Shit! It was supposed to be a surprise." She cursed lightly, causing Ozzy to turn in my arms and point at her with a single finger.

"Au-aunty said a ba-bad word." He whispered to me, but I was sure everybody else heard him too because they all laughed.

"She'll put money in your jar later, Ozzy." I answered back, just as quietly. After he gave a nod, I turned back to Cyn who was now sitting down, along with everybody else, except Michael and Matthew. Ezekiel had finally given Michael back control after our mating. My mates were both standing right behind me in the living room entrance. They weren't going to keep me out of their sight, or out of arm's reach, and I was okay with that.

"Who else knows?" I asked her as she cuddled up to Em. Em was going to be so excited.

"Only Casey, and you now. Plus, Dr. L. knows too." Everyone, except Casey, looked between the both of us in confusion.

"I guess I might as well tell everybody now." She mumbled worriedly. Cyn looked at everyone in the room. Their main focus was on her now. Ozzy released himself from my arms to go play with baby Zem, who was attempting to nibble on a toy block. I let them play as I took a seat of my own in a single seater sofa. Before I could sit, however, Matthew sat first and then pulled me into his lap. Michael stood behind him, massaging his shoulders.

Cyn took a deep breath before the worry vanished from her eyes and was replaced by confidence. Casey and I both gave her encouraging nods and bright smiles. That was all it took for Cyn to deliver the big news.

"I'm pregnant!" She stated excitedly, causing everyone, besides Casey and I, to freeze in shock.

Mommy, Darius, Michael, and Matthew were the first ones to get over their shock. Mommy and Darius stood and congratulated her with hugs and kisses, before returning back to their seats. Michael and Matthew just congratulated her from where they were. Em, on the other hand, was still in shock as she stared at her mate with wide eyes. Her mouth continuously opened and closed, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words.

"W-what?" She finally got out after some tries. Cyn no longer looked confident and excited. If anything, she looked extremely worried. She didn't need to be worried though. We all knew that Em was happy for her mate and this baby.

"I-I'm pregnant." Cyn repeated, before she was pulled into her mate's chest. From where I was sitting, I could see tears rolling down Em's cheeks.

"You're having my pup." She mumbled into Cyn's hair. It wasn't a question, but Cyn answered anyways.

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